Sunday, 15 May 2016

May 15, 2016

So I started Capstone 1, and I'm working on my portion of a presentation I'm going to give.

I thought helpful to talk about how I'm tackling this presentation.

First off, I'm not a natural. I realized I'm able to give a presentation as long as I try to. But I'm not one of those people, that can (excuse my language...) bullsh!t there way through a presentation.

So here's how I've done it so far:

1) All I do is type out what I wanna say.

2) Bold all the words I'd like to memorize.

3) Practice speaking the words out loud by looking at them.

4) Practice being able to speak the words out loud without looking at them and glancing at the slides.

5) And then repeat 3 & 4 with the entire speech.

6) Time your speech with a watch and give the entire speech once memorized

7) If your speech is too long, THAT'S GREAT, just cut it down as you go through it and glance at your watch for when you hit the times (e.g. I want to go to the next slide in 1 minute, I'll look at my watch and based on the time, I'll speak less based on how far I am)

8) So yeah, I know it's not perfect. I realized I need to warm up and test myself before I can give the presentation properly, but it should be fine for the first presentation.

That's all for now! Good night!

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