Sunday, 7 May 2017

May 7, 2017

So I finally have access to the PAR reports.

I got one for each day of the CFE. 1 for day 1 (11 pages long) -'d 1 for day 2 and 3  (it's about 47 pages long I believe)

I can't go into detail what was on it. But basically i did do pretty well for day 1 and I still failed!!?! What the...

Anyways, I spent last night studying until 3 AM. I find that it's quite easy for me to study in the silence of the night.

What else? This morning I spent reading how to file tax retuns by E&Y.

Anything else? It's now 7:44 PM. I am indeed hungry

I have plans to do most likely 2 shows on May 9th. I would LIKE to not do the shows,

Since my knee had a bit of a burning sensation and my wrist has some little pain because it has a minor sprain. So I should just ask my friend, can you ask James if he can fill in for me? I don't want to aggrivate my knee or wrist. I think he'll be like fine. Are you sure? Like duuuude u don't understand how muc I love breakdancing. If stopping now means continuing in the future then yes I will stop a bit!!! But then if i go I get paid to break :)

But then if I don't go, I may get to takeover at the office. That would be nice considering it': my family's business which I know not very much about!!!

Yes, I miss Robyni but she was even distant in the car. Ok. What to do?

Call her and ask if u can see her. Was she a distraction last year?

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