Monday, 18 September 2017

Sept.14th &15th

14th and 15th were a write off for me.... Maybe this is good luck, but I injured/fractured my foot a few weeks before the CFE... So I went to the hospital on the 14th to see a doctor while everyone was writing...

To be honest, it was another blessing...

Because I didn't plan on writing it...

I did contact CPA about not writing it,, but they never got back to me because they had this we'll respond in 5 days automated message thing....

I spoke to an CPA officer and they asked me for proof that I went to see a doctor and that I had an injured leg.

So I immediately responded, because when I was at the hospital, I asked the doctor to give me a note and he did.

I should have my money refunded to me for day 2 and 3. I'm not sure how that will work... But I was told it will work...

I will be writing Day 2 & 3 in 2018... IF!!! I'm truly blessed they won't count it as an attempt... But I dunno... We'll see...

1 comment:

  1. found you blog, and everything is quite interesting... I wrote my CFE in 2017 as well, and with the worst of luck, fail all three days... so just curious.... so did you pass day 1 at least? not sure if I will come back and read anything again, but I can be reach at
    Best of luck
