Tuesday, 28 June 2016

June 28, 2016

Welcome back peeps!,

Okay, today I'll be going over some day 1/capstone 1 related concepts. Talk to you later gonna take a break and play some Unreal Tournament 99 (GOTY) wooohooo! Such a great game.

June 27, 2016

Group meeting went well. I biked there, it was a good work out!

Then I noticed one of the members was far earlier than everyone else. We both accomplished a good portion of work for our part 3 of the capstone 1 case.

Then during the meeting we edited each others parts. We also worked a bit on whatever was left over. And then at the very last second we divided the work. Me and 2 other members would create a pro forma income statement for the company in question. And I'm not 1000% sure what the other 2 members who are not in my group (my group has 5 people in it) are doing. One of them had to do the implementation plan, and the other (don't remember).

Today I woke up pretty late. I uploaded documents to google doc <3 bless you google docs.

and then I just made sure my parts for parts 1&2 were revised according to the feedback we got.

Now I'm just trying to complete my part for part 3, and I might try to help 2 girls in my group because they gave me some pretty sweet advice!!!

Anything else? Yeah, I've been very busy. I went to pick up my ex gf, we did some horizontal dancing. I miss her :( I've been trying to remove people from my life and I've been doing a really good job I think. But boy do I love her. I think in substance, she's my girlfriend. But we don't have a label. We both know we love each other so that's always nice.

It was a productive day but I got to spend the end of it with my honey. Good times :) only positive vibes.

For myself my ego keeps me going. Well it has been. Motivation isn't too big of a deal now. I can study and get stuff done as long as I tell myself I'm the bomb! It's funny that this exactly the kind of mentality you want to have when you're out partying and trying to pick up girls/guys. You have to really believe in yourself 1000% no questions asked. When I'm studying for the CFE. I literally hum to myself about how amazing I am. It really helps me dominate any task or tasks that I'm doing.

 One thing that I've been doing is playing a video game I enjoy (i.e. street fighter). I make sure I completely TOAST the opponent. Then I go outside and do a backflip. And then I tell myself.... Listen, if you can do this, do you think you can handle a few little questions. BAM! All of a sudden you get to see, in action, how SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS. so I've been doing that and it works great. Basically you just motivate yourself by really underwhelming a task/question/problem you have to do. It's basically the feeling you get when you're overwhelmed by a problem/task/question <-- horrible feeling BUT THE OPPOSITE! and oh man. You look at the question like PFFFt really? Really? You think you can stump me with this... Psssht I don't think so. and then you just go at it and use all your resources to solve it.

Yeah I just finished some group work today...

I really want to MASTER these cases. By the end of this month which is 3 days including today which just started. Let's write over there. See you guys there lol.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

June 26, 2016

Let's get to work. I'll give you guys an update soon. As well as results from my group meeting.

June 24th, 2016 to June 25th, 2016

I've been doing my part of the Capstone 1 project!

that consisted of me reading documents to make me knowledgeable.

Then I would read our capstone 1 case for the operational issues inside it.

And then, because I read so much, I would have something legitimate to say about the operational issues at hand.

It was REALLY tempting to go off on a tangent, because I read so much. But I made sure any recommendations I made would directly solve the operational issue at hand. And yeah, that's pretty much it.

I was gonna talk about COMPETITION as a motivation. While you're playing/goofing off/sleeping, there may be someone out there who training hard and becoming better, so be weary of that! You gotta try the hardest you've ever tried before if you wanna compete with these people effectively.

And that is what I'm doing... WELL. Having a blog like this is honestly... FUN! This isn't work for me... This is literally my thoughts on a white piece of a digital paper lol.

But yeah, I think the biggest motivator for me is my potential child/children. I know it will be the greatest moment of my entire life... For girls (and even some guys) it might be their wedding. But me it's my future kids *_* omg... I want to be the best father I can possibly be!!!!!! I'm allergic to stories of fathers not spending enough time with their children. Like 9-5 I understand. But anything beyond that while I have kids is unacceptable. Even a 9-5 to be honest is a slap in the face to your kids IMO (I'm an extremist so you may not agree with me) but MINIMALLY i would say being busy from 9-5 is okay as a dad. But I plan on being INSANELY busy from the get go and then I plan on leaning back. That's just the way I am. For a lot of things. Read about capital accumulation in economics and you will understand why I think it's important to not always live day to day using up your resources for your daily revenue. If you can build it bigger, and better you will get WAY more economic future benefits (hehe I'm using the aspe asset criteria here) out of your asset. So Okay! I have sufficiently mindgasmed myself. And now I'm going to go hard in the paint like waka flocka flame (rapper reference).

Friday, 24 June 2016

June 23, 2016

Last night I got a lot of stuff done. I found a ton of useful resources I didn't even know I had from previous courses I took at Seneca college. One in particular was awesome, because there were quite a few SOA UFE cases. And I was just like SWEEEEEET. Everyone called our teacher a b!+ch, because she was pretty tough on us (giving us cases that CAs would normally handle). Anways, I'm grateful for the content she let us study. Thank youuuuu!

I haven't really done much today... My sister and her hubby were watching a movie at night and it ruined my focus significantly.

I spoke with my ex, because I wanted to give her a chance to apologize some behaviour I thought was rude. She didn't, so I really just want my stuff back and /the end.

On to more important things. I'm feeling motivated! The Earth is still a beautiful place to live. There are wonderful things and activities, arts, and cultures to be drawn into. There are our peers and loved ones. There are even people that we can't see yet (e.g. future children, grandchildren). I personally want to give 1,000,000% for these people. So let's start giving it.

Alrighty blogger, talk to you later! I'm going to give that 1,000,000% now (aka 10,000 lol because a mill divided by 100 is 10,000. Get it?)

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

June 22, 2016

2:29 AM


How to do Financial Analysis

Do the calculations = Calculator.

State whether calculations are Favourable or unfavourable. - symbolized by F in FV

State the Trend and Industry - symbolized by the T in PMT (Trends & Industry are both comparisons! Trend is a year over year comparison and industry ratios are yearly comparisons)

State the Cause or Why - which is symbolized by Y in I/Y

Integrate (your case understanding), and state the Implication (i.e. How it will affect the firm) - which can be symbolized by the I and / (slanted I) in I/Y

Resolution (you need to provide a resolution to any weak ratios e.g. if they could not meet the bank covenants, they would have trouble attaining more financing, the resolution would be: “To resolve the risk of not being able to attain additional financing from the bank, they can turn to shareholders for funding.” Further investigation is required to explore additional sources of financing. ß this can be symbolized by the R in IRR.

Conclude each section – which can be symbolized by the C in CF (e.g. Overall liquidity/solvency/profitability/efficiency ratios are healthy/unhealthy because… and state what’s important (e.g. bank covenant))

STO – stands for Strength Financially – Overall, good financial strength – and then talk about the pOsition in relation to it’s strategic direction.

My method of analyzing ratios is the above! :D urrrr welcome!

Lost motivation on the way, then I thought about what shoes I was wearing and BAM! Motivation = ON!!!! like fire.  

I played Quake 3 earlier today and I realized it's really important to reach a flow state. Be positive! and let it flow! Let success breed success, again and again! Ride the waves of accomplishment peeps!!!! 

Starting to understand why there is a magic formula for all these CFE Gold Medalists they all studied from 9 to 5 constantly. I kept thinking WHY!? Do they all study from 9 to 5... Well... It should have been obvious. They all have jobs!!!! Human beings are creatures of habit, they're working hard from 9 to 5 because that's what they normally do!!! 

Personally, I don't have a regular work schedule, so I had to work my way up. For example, I haven't been able to achieve really long study sessions without feeling distracted with a need to eat/drink/take a break/etc. THE secret to reaching the 9 to 5 study habit is to creating it for yourself if you don't have such a schedule. I usually say "I'm feeling good today!" Or something along those lines and I end up not getting more than 2 hours in. But honestly... I think I've figured it out. Usually... My brain is fresh when I wake up so I'm going to ride those waves of accomplishment as I said... And furthermore I'm going to do it for... at least 3 hours. I'll let you know what happens peeps.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

June 21, 2016

I have a similar color water-oil timer that I purchased at a chinese toy store a year or two ago. I used it while I was playing a game on my break. It helps let you know that time is passing quickly!!! I'm baking bread at the same time (well, it's rising right now in the oven).

It's 7:13 AM already (the next day)... I had my sister call me and ask me if she wants to go out with my brother in law for his 35th bday party. I had to decline! Only breaks I get are at home! No spending money or going out and partying. Haven't slept. My sleeping pattern has gotten weird ever since I allowed certain people to call me past midnight. Gah! Anyways, that's over and done with. While I'm studying I put my phone on airplane mode so people cannot call me. (new rule) YES, that is a part of the system of best practices!!!

I woke up only 5 hours ago... Spoke with my group... Now I need to get back on the horsey and learn what's been done. Financial analysis I think is what I need to learn how to do... well I already do know some: profitability, solvency, liquidity, efficiency. Basically ratios and their interpretation...

OKAY! Let's get to it. Ttyl blogger peeps!

Monday, 20 June 2016

June 20, 2016

Tact - Sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.

"Remediation cost" - Root word is remedy (or reverse/stop e.g. environmental damage)

 Purpose of the below is the body is the house of your brain which you'll use to ace the CFE so here is some google research I did on organs:

Best foods for our:

- Lungs are: Garlic, ginger, tumeric, apples, dark berries, grapefruit, pomegranate, seeds/nuts/beans, Pistachios, Cayenne Pepper, Chilli & Curry, onions, cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cauliflower and broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts), foods with carotenoids (e.g. tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, apricots), water.

- large intestines are: NOT RED MEAT, but fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Omega-3 fatty acids. (Also good for your intestine is to be a normal weight. Not overweight!)

- small intestine are: probiotics! E.g. cultured vegetables such as kim chi, or sauerkraut, fruits, vegetables and fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel, tuna, halibut, trout)

- Pancreas are: Blueberries and cherries,  Broccoli, garlic, red grapes, red reishi mushrooms, spinach, sweet potatoes, tofu, tomato vegetable soup, yogurt with active cultures(mainly because of the probiotics)

- Bladder are: cranberries, yogurt, bananas, (not a food but here's some advice to keep your bladeer healthy: ensure you urinate completely so that you're not hosting waste in ur urethra, drink water, take a walk (sedentary people build up fluid in their legs), do kegals, wash yourself before intercourse (sure I'll wash my hand... bwhaha) watching what you eat to see if you have a food intolerance/allergy and... keep a bladder diary LOL)

- Liver are: garlic, grapefruit, beets, leafy greens, green tea, avacados, cruceferous vegetables, etc.

- Spleen are: water, RAW fruits and vegetables (Noticing a pattern here?), apples, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, carrots, celery, bell pepper, cucumber, leaf lettuce, cruciferous vegetables, ginger, fatty fish, maitake mushrooms, etc.

- Lymph nodes are: water, (citrus) fruits, veges, seeds/nuts, seaweed, teas (e.g. astragalus/echinacea/goldenseal/wildIndigoRoot) (Activites: bounce on a trampoline, breathe deeply, get a dry skin brush <-- ********************THIS IS REALLY COOL!!!!!******************************************** Do hot/cold showers, get a gentle massage,

- appendix are: green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, peas, beans, tomato sauce, etc.

OKAY, that's it for now... but pretty obvious what to eat for a healthy body. And what to do... I thought the dry skin brush was really cool!!!! Wasn't it?? :D

OH My hummus is ready for sure... Gonna go drain the beans, and put them in a blender... Aw crap... I need to buy tahini!!!! *_* I got no money either... How much is tahini I think it's less than 10 bux... FACK.... okay... hmmm ... Gotta be a man!!!!... Let's just.... hmmmm Do I Have sesame seeds? I wonder......Good question!!!! HOW MUCH ARE SESAME SEEDS!?!?! (I had sesame seeds and i grinded them up and used them to make hummus - they looked nothing like the ground up sesame seeds I bought... Feelin' that professional skepticism!)

5:41 PM - Started studying
5:51 PM - Stopped studying

6:12 PM - Started studying

COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*resisting bathroom break* lol! -_- reeeeeeally wanna pass.

only 12 mins passed and I wanna stop already :'(

Changed into shorts... It's 32 degrees Celsius.... -_-;;;; I probably need water too.... I'll go grab a bit. DONE. back to studying. 

*okay gotta go to the bathroom* - bam! done. that's the sound i make when i go to the bathroom: BAM!

as soon as i went to the bathroom, i felt empty (obviously lol), and then I had to lie down. Then I passed out... so in total I think I studied for like 30 minutes... faaaaack... NOT GOOD. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT!?!?!?!!

I will not let that get me down. I am amazing, I've proved it countless times. So let's learn from what we think our mistake is (going to the bathroom) and hold it in next time.

As weird as that sounds... I believe that will be a part of my system of best practices for acing the exam.

no bathroom breaks from start to finish time.... Go before! And start with long activity sets and end with long activity sets...
I will let you know when I stop studying... I'm aiming for 12 hours long... So 10:33 PM to 10:33 PM... Let's go!!!!!

Here's some more information that I pulled off Heritage Integrative Care's blog:

"Some examples of healthy foods containing complex carbohydrates are:
SpinachWhole BarleyGrapefruit
Turnip GreensBuckwheatApples
LettuceWhole wheat breadPrunes
Water CressOat bran breadApricots
ZucchiniOatmeal(steel-cut oats)Pears
AsparagusOat branPlums
OkraWild riceOranges
CabbageBrown riceYams
CeleryMulti-grain breadCarrots
CucumbersPinto beansPotatoes
Dill PicklesNavy beansSoybeans (tofu)
RadishesRice milkLentils
BroccoliAlmond milkGarbanzos (chickpeas)
Brussels SproutsPlain YogurtKidney beans
EggplantWhole mealspelt breadSplit peas

Periodically checking back here is good/bad for me? I would say it's good. Just, stay on your purpose!!!

I'm not eating that much because I know I have some food in me.

Here's a good definition of competitive advantage:

Competitive Advantage - An advantage that a firm has over it's competitors. <-- Nice!!! Reason I'm bringing up this word is because

Okay it's 2:13 AM I'm going to take a short break... I think I've nearly mastered Situational Analysis. Score!!!! I think I studied for nearly 4 hours!!! That can't be true can it??? Hmmm... If so AWESOME! Either way time is flying, so I'll enjoy my short break and then I'll go back to studying 1000% baby.

P.s. don't judge a book by it's cover! And use your imagination to render the words you read! ;)

Sunday, 19 June 2016

June 19, 2016

Time is flying!!! I did get quite a bit of studying yesterday done. I think I do more studying when I don't actually say: I'm gonna do BLAH # of hours. So I'm just going to say: I'm going to study as much as I possibly can today. GOTTA DO WHAT WORKS!

Okay, going to play agar.io for 10 minutes (while i play music) and then BAM gonna study again. :)

Time to study. I'm still a firm believer in that: Self-Control is the most important thing in the universe. Done with the game. Done with the music. I'll be able to listen to 10 times more the amount of amazing music and play 10 times more the quality of amazing games if I can pass the CFE. I'm back at it again! lol. Just quickly: flossed, brushed, oil pulled, ate a fish oil pill.

Talk to you later. Gonna do some studying i'll report back with how much time I did. it's 6:32 PM right now... I ended up passing out. I didn't study that long!!! Crap. Okay, I gotta put in the efforts! I'm gonna wash my hands and spit out some coconut oil first...

Time to work on my business!!!! :) IN OTHERWORDS TIME TO MAKE BLAND WORK FUN!!! !I'll be adding whatever I learned to my business. I'm going to dedicate a crazy amount of hours to this. We'll aim for some realistic record amount of time. Not 4 hours but 8! if I can do 8 hours or more, my business will go far!!!! WOOOHOO! How's that for motivation. I actually have a business readers...

I had an amazing idea!!!!

Okay so far, the best idea I've had was: use coconut oil to save time brushing teeth. And I've been MILKING that idea. It's been amazing...

My 2nd idea comes from playing http://Agar.io... When you start the game, there is an option to put your name on the cell. The name I chose was: "RANKED BIYUTCH" Okay, not so professional, but you get the drift. I wanted to rank and in that game, there is a ranking board. I just realized, there is also a ranking board for CFE writers as well! And I would love to rank high!!! How amazing would it be if you were to be ranked #1 writer for the CFE... Or if not #1, then #2,3, or 4!? That reminds me of Mario kart for the N64 (Can you see a pattern here? I like to play games :p )... But honestly though... In Mario kart, it doesn't even MATTER if you're ranked below 4th... And technically there will be a cut-off line for the CFE. I mean think about it: There has to be a way they determine the CFE Gold Medalist? They didn't just randomly choose a few good CFE writers. They chose the best ones. They were ranked. End. Of. Story. So, that leads me to my new motivation... For which, I'm going to attach something on my shoe to remember this, so I don't get in trouble for wearing jewelery: I will rank in the top 10 in the Canada! Wow. big statement. But hey... THAT's where your peers would respect you. In any activity, humans desire to be respected by their peers. Definitely in a romantic relationship, I demand respect! Both partners (I would hope) demand to be respected. In my dance career, I aim for the respect of my peers (it's sort of a noble and awesome motivation). In accounting, I'm going to aim for the respect for my fellow CFE writers. :) I'm going to aim to be ranked best in canada. What is the symbol of best for CFE? the CFE Gold medalist... Okay so I need a symbol for me to remember that I want to be a CFE Gold medalist... How bout putting some gold on my shoe? Hmmm *looking for gold*... DONE. :) Here see the pics!:

I just took my swiss army knife, found a gold cuff link, broke it apart, and cut my shoe and then popped that baby in with pliers! :) Neat huh!? Okay, so. You can see my level of dedication from an imaginary sense. But can you see my level of dedication from a work point of view? Time to prove it.

Time is now 12:21 I will be studying 12 hours straight. Watch this shit!!! And I'll report back after I'm done.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

June 18, 2016

Going to make up for yesterday. 6 hours study session starting from now! 12:10 AM June 18...

I started earlier I guess when I thought about all the people and things that are motivating me to do the CFE well. I went out drove to one breakdancing practice (closed for the summer) then i went to another (closed for a reason I don't know). Then I had a chance to check out another practice (I always used to practice on fridays so I wanted to squeeze in a 1 hour practice with some friends or friendly peeps), but nothing! And that's fine :) I'm going to put the same amazing effort into my studies. Let's do this. I'm a winner baby. Yeeeeeeah.

Okay, so I'm an hour and 30 minutes into my 6 hour study session. And I'm quite hungry after a long read of some CPA documents... Ummm. How do I conquer my hunger? Let's see... Will CPA still allow people to bring in food (in original wrapping that isn't noisy or distracting or has a strong scent). How bad would it be if I brought curry noodles bowl and a hot water in a thermos. LOL!!! J/K do NOT do that lol... Honestly, do bring bottled water and do bring maybe a granola bar of some sort. I'd highly suggest one with coconut oil. Anyways. Let's take a short break and then get back to studying. One episode of anime for me! Yahoo! I'm gonna watch Rocko's Modern Life... That show is hilarious and makes me happy. :)

Off note: I learned some (maybe obvious to others) things today. "its" is actually possessive. I didn't know that! So its mine. "The accounts receivable belonged to its creditor after liquidation." <-- I just made this sentence up. But yeah... You wouldn't use apostraphe. Because I always used apostraphe for possessive. I guess that's only for someones name. For example, "AccountantMafia's muffin". Anything else I learned? Yeah I learned a bit more about my weaknesses. Thank goodness I'm not taking tax as my elective of focus for the CFE. But I'll still see it on Day 3 for sure! So, I gotta be pretty freaking decent!!!

Just woke up. Went swimming. Had breakfast while I watched my fav cartoon (above). Then I played some retro game: Clayfighters for Sega Genesis. I used to play it when I was kid. Damn this game is tough. I figured out the secret to winning but it's very hit or miss. You have to constantly block, and the time your attacks for after your opponent has attacked you. At one point I had to consult with the internet for some moves that I could do with the character Bad Mr. Frosty. Anyways, I look at it like. You're going to need to ask for help if things get too tough. Don't be afraid to ask for help!!!! In any scenario :) Okay, so I'm doing laundry right now... And now that I've done some oil pulling after my breakfast, I'm going to have a fish oil pill and a Ginkgo Biloba pill, and then i'll start studying. Today should be a very good day :) I can feel it!!! okay 0/10 for "feeling" it. I had to brush my teeth a bit because the coconut oil is not perfect. SO I brushed my teeth just a bit and flossed a bit. And then went at it with the oil pulling and now I'm back on track learning about estate freezes. Cool. Let's do this. Note to self: I might need to buy more socks. Feet are kinda cold.Ooo! Ooo! Good idea! Whatever you end up having to read, try and print it out since you read way faster off the computer... On the computer, I read like a 2 year old. lol Okay I'm exaggerating but yeah I like to print out and read.

One thing I noticed is these cases (related to day 1) are REALLY long.
  • Try and read them fast (obviously don't sacrifice comprehension, but do go as fast as possible).
  • Distractions (e.g. Sound). There will be distractions all around you at different times of writing the CFE. I wouldn't be surprised if I heard pages flipping or worse: farts ripping... LOL but seriously you might hear talking or anything else while writing your exam. That being said, you gotta have really good concentration. Concentrate hard enough that your brain will block out any distractions (to your 5 senses).