The video below is to help people (and myself) if they ever feel tired/lazy to study. This video shows how it only takes a few words to paint a picture and that picture has astounding affects on our bodily energy.
For me, I just went outside and took pictures of beautiful scenary which had negative, positive, and even neutral reinforcement. The following are my pictures of motivation:
Life (Positive) - Achieving your goals will add more life which expands your natural/true growth.

Roots (Neutral) - Achieving your goals will create strong roots which maintain your natural/true growth.

This video below is to help people understand that even for one second, a negative attitude will push you away from your goals. The clips starts off with the opposing team scoring a 3 pointer. That sucks obviously, but that shouldn't affect you, it should be like rain on a rain jacket, it should just roll right off. Instead this guy with the glasses let's it get to him JUST FOR A SECOND! you can hear it in his voice. He becomes blinds to the basics of looking to see if your opponents will steal the ball before you pass it. SO, stay positive, and if you catch yourself being negative tell yourself HEY! Do you want what's bothering you to overcome you? Definitely NO, so let's stay POSITIVE and COOL :) Didn't bother translating this one because the body language says everything. That being said have happy body language lol. Smile even if you don't feel like it. You'll start laughing, you'll actually feel happy!!! So stay positive. :)
So I'm just studying right now. I have been studying for 1 hour and 36 minutes and I wanted to stop. But I think a part of having a negative attitude is complacency/overconfidence/ the feeling of wanting relief/reward after having done work. No man, you haven't yet achieved your goal! What's my goal? My goal is to grow, and have great study days which will equate to passing the CFE. So a short break is all I need. Just a reminder that I have to keep pushing! Remember: Winners continue/start after they feel like stopping/not starting. You are a Winner. Hands down. No questions asked. I will pass the CFE.
Okay, I definitely got distracted by a potential buyer for a phone that I'm selling. Made me think twice about how I'm advertising for it though! Okay back to more important issues.
More wisdom, this time from a game Street Fighter Alpha 3:
"You try in vain to look for the answer. But, it lies within you"
Alrighty! Feeling motivated, going to use the power within me to do at least 2 hours of studying. Hopefully more! But quality over quantity! Let's go! WOOH!
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