Sunday, 25 September 2016

September 25, 2016

Spoke with many other students at this point.

They all said the same thing:

Day 1 was a shock because of the future event was very different than what was given for preparation.

Day 3 was very difficult in terms of time management, because you have to do 3-4 cases in 4 hours.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

September 24, 2016

Looking back, I had the following weaknesses:

- not enough training for real exam time constraints. (Really felt this weakness during day 3 of the CFE.)

- not enough technical training for tax, and strategy and governance. and possibly management accounting...

- For assurance. I wasn't incredibly good at assertions (i have never been good at giving assertions because it's always very subjective i find. like which one is it? Is it an assertion related to a balance sheet account!? or income statement account!?)

- For financial reporting, i found that i was able to save time by not having to look in the handbook, and instead regurgitate some accounting standards off the top of my head. But since I didn't do this for all the sections we had to give criteria for, I would say that it was a weakness of mine. I just copied and pasted from the handbook provided for the most part.

Alrighty. Maybe I'll keep updating this blog. Maybe I won't! I dunno :) Goodbye/Ttyl blogger. I might just continue for the sake of persistence.

September 23, 2016 - Day 3 of the CFE

I thought I had posted it already but here's how my day went:

I didn't have much time to prepare for day 3 other than:

- the work I had done throughout the capstone 2 program which was doing day 3 cases every week. 3 of them at a time only during week 4.

- the studying I did from the end of the day 2 exam to the beginning of the day 3 exam, which was a few study sessions during odd hours of the night. Because after day 1, my brain was feeling burnt out after the exam. And then after day 2, I wasn't feeling so burnt out because I didn't find it too difficult. However, I did end up having to pass out after a few hours of being home. Then I'd wake up and study eat, brush my teeth, study, eat, brush my teeth, sleep, and so on and so forth until I had to grab the car keys and leave for the exam location

- I looked over some notes as I was driving. Got to the exam. Stayed in the car for a bit

OH. They make you put your jacket, and bag in a weird room, and then they want you to compete with the other 1000 something students to get your jacket and bag first lol. After I experienced this in Day 1, I was like eff that! So I would just left my jacket and my bag in the car.

I personally feel I didn't have enough to eat during day 3, but I thought if i did eat before the exam, I might start sneezing or coughing. You literally have to train yourself to be a robot for these exams, which is hard because we're humans.

Annnnyways: I sat down at my exam table, and they gave me a faulty USB key... so i had less time to write the CFE Day 3 than everyone else which sucked. There are three cases and you have to write them in minimum time which means a little time is useful.

As promised, CPA gave us the following:

- financial reporting issues
- management accounting issues
- assurance issues
- Personal AND Corporate  tax issues
- strategy and governance
- finance issues

I did fine on everything except for the personal tax and strategy and governance. In my opinon. In fact, I would say I bombed the personal tax and strategy and governance parts. That being said, I bet I failed day 3 just because of the rigorous passing requirements of CPA.

I'm going to do 2 things to respond to my experience with the CFE:

1 - create a plan to master all the above areas
2 - be glad I learned SO much from this journey
3 - Rigorously review all the material that I was given + do more technical work and ensure that I pass next year.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

September 22, 2016 - Day 2 of the CFE

Just finished Day 2 of the exam!

Simplify, simplify, simplify. That's what I did!

I just took everything I needed to know. And made it as simple as possible.


I have day 3 tomorrow, so after fooling around when I came home because I always need to fool around / my brain needs to relax...  and learn implicit motivational lessons. Just how I work:

I learned this from Eyeshield 21: When people think you can't do something, use that negative energy to FUEL your burning FIRE to prove them wrong.

I learned this from You gotta follow best practices. Failure is inevitable sometimes. In fact, it might even be necessary when you're learning best practices. Although you can always learn from other peoples mistakes <-- wise people do this. Instead of making your own costly mistakes. You know what I mean?

I learned this from NEVER GIVE UP. I thought these are just pretty words. A lot of people like to quote cliche things that aren't necessarily true. For example: real eyes realize real lies. <-- like sure this sounds super cool, but is it really necessary? Does it provide any benefit? lol not really.

No, but seriously: Never give up. This is definitely a best practice in every area of life. I couldn't believe how much the odds were against me today while I played slither. I was getting cornered like crazy and there was one point where I should have died, but I was like NO. I"M GOING TO KEEP LIVING. and I did! I ranked high too 2/400 something people. Then I died. I wasn't far from first either :)

So yeah best practices, will trump everything. I ended up dying most of the time because I didn't follow a best practice of where rushing in a busy scenario would cause me to crash into other players. And well that's how the game is played. You die if u crash into other people haha ^^


So my strategy for Day 3 is going to be the same as mine was for Day 2. However I have the upper hand today because I didn't socialize after the exam was over!

OHHHH MAN! I made the coolest drink yesterday:

Fresh Sage leaves + Blueberries + water! SOOO GOOD!

For me, brushing my teeth is a part of best practices. Sleep and meditation is a part of best practices.

and acquiring as many techniques as possible from cases you've done or cases you haven't done is also very important!! I literally learned some key material less than 24 hours away from my Day 2 exam. It was crazy. Anyways. I gotta go, gonna buy some blueberries + sage. Then I'll come home, maybe shower ? brush my teeth? pass out for an hour ? Dunno. Ttyl blogger

day 1 was a mystery for me, day 2 felt relatively comfortable, and day 3 has yet to happen. I want to continue this fight. The great fight. :P BYE.

Oh and even if I were to fail day 2, my back up plan is to take it in the future and hopefully i will have passed. If I were to fail have failed day 1, then I will come back and do day 1 in the future.

SUCCESS GOES TO THOSE WHO TRY AND TRY AGAIN. YOU CAN'T STOP ME. kay well... unless it's my 3rd attempt or something, in which case I believe you get kicked out lol.... WELL I'LL CONTINUE TO PLAY OFF MY MISTAKES. "Momma didn't raise no foo! Ya dig?" lol

can't forget:




Wednesday, 21 September 2016

September 21, 2016 - Day 1 of the CFE

Just finished the Day 1 exam!

I was late to arrive to the exam, due to traffic! ARRRGH and I left an hour before! And google told me it'd take me 30 minutes to get there. Then, google at the last moment says: "1 hour and 10 minutes" Waaaat... I was fine though. I started when everyone else did. Of course, there were a ton of moments where everyone did absolutely nothing and this facilitator just walked us through some procedures they expected from us.

It was significantly different from the Day 1 exams that CPA gave us to prepare with.... Ummm... Okayyyy... Kind of silly. It's like. Lemme test you on something! Okay! Okay! Alright, now I'll test you on very different with only a few pieces that are similar! LOL.

There were a few pieces which I can't really get into. But basically they tried to shock us.

I was waaaaaaaaaaaaiting for some common elements to pop up. But it was truly different. And it took a while to recognize all the issues.

At the very end of the exam, I saw one of my friends, and we just talked about the case we had just done. It was interesting to hear the thoughts of other students. I ended up seeing a hottie, so I talked to her offered her a ride home, and then spoke with her on the way there. Maybe I'll see her after the exams are over. Nevertheless, she was nice. GOTTA STAY FOCUSED THOUGH. If I ever had to do this again, I'd probably go straight home lol for the sake of staying focused.

Interestingly enough, I saw A TON of motivation on the ride back home. The world is an amazing place, and there are numerous permutations of what can be done, created, constructed. All of which have costs. Which is a big reason why people seek higher education, because they know it leads to higher income. In short, I'm motivated. Oh and competition is a great motivator for me. One guy cut me off and I was like damnit! I left space which made me vulnerable! Damn that guy lol but I learned my lesson, after that the road was my racetrack. <-- kidddddding (but not really). Also made me realize, if you wanna be the best you gotta put in hard work....

Oh and a very interesting thing happened!!!!! So, basically, I almost never had the patience to sit in one spot for 4 hours straight to write any of these cases. But as expected, I sat down during the exam and had no problem sitting through 4 hours. I ended up having an 1 egg + 1 diced tomatoe + whole grain low GI bread + sage. I packed snacks (these dark chocolate bars). I didn't end up using it. I should drink water. I didn't bring any water. I overheard some people saying they wished they went to the bathroom before hand lol It's hard to predict. but as I've said before, you can induce yourself to go to the bathroom in a prior post (massage has something to do with it, as well as your diet, water, and exercise).

Now that that is over though, I need to focus on Day 2 and then Day 3.

Day 2.... I'm going to try and master whatever exam that I felt extremely comfortable with first. Then I'll move on. I would really love to master the mock exam.

I have only 8 hours remaining from today. Then I have the 8 hours remaining from 12 AM to 8 AM.

Already 4:36 PM time is flying. I'll need to work as hard as I possibly can after I take a good meditative break for as long my mind sees fit. I plan on listening to my body. And going through a cycle of study, eat, clean, sleep as long as I can and absorbing as much as I can related to day 2.

September 20, 2016

Today I did some work, and I'm still doing some work. It was a very lax day.

I biked to the store to pick up some brain food, and I made some hummus.

I think it's important to be level-headed when I'm writing the CFE.

My training won't betray me :P

What else? Yeah Day 1 exam is in 8 hours and 38 minutes.. but I'll leave in 7 hours and 38 minutes at the latest...

I've been doing work and rehearsing my values... it's working.

The best candidate will have a system of best practices that they will go through more than anyone else.

I'm just doing the module workshop stuff right now, in case anything similar comes up. I'm continually learning. I have a good feeling I'll pass day 1 as long as I can throw my mental momentum for 4 hours. But I really wanna do well, so... I'm gonna go back to studying :) I'm loving it!

Turn your science into an art, and turn your art into a science <-- I'm not sure who said this. If no one did, I'm claiming it as my own!

Peace out! Ttyl. If I ever have to go through blogging again, I'll probably vlog instead just because it's faster to just talk out points than to type them out. Albeit, I am a fast typist.

Monday, 19 September 2016

September 19, 2016

Last night, I slept from roughly 5 AM to around roughly 1 PM so 8 hours.

I just finished eating some Eggs + Tomatoes + Sage on low GI bread + Pomegranate juice

all i have left to eat is:

- 1 apple
- some strawberries (they tend to get moldy, so I think they should be eaten in de-accelerated manner e.g. if you had 15 strawberries I'd eat 5 the first day, then 4 the following, and so on and so forth.)
- 1 kiwi

"If I give up now... It'll all go to waste"

Check this out: Go to 29:51 to 32:19

lessons from this are:
(1) You gotta work hard to get what you want. 
(2) Anything is possible if you think outside the box
(3) Never give up because of (2)  

"There are no coincidences (in American football).
A lucky punch occurs when one seizes the proper opportunity."

September 18, 2016

Finally finished a Day 1 case, I learned a few things:

- whenever you're doing a analysis for an operational issue:
 - use your extra time to go back and look for any additional points
- mirror your quantitative analysis with your qualitative analysis

There's generally a few factors, and that you have to analyze each option against. That means, if you miss a factor, you miss a mark ;)

- also explanations are important of why your pro you listed is a benefit, and your con you listed is a risk

Saturday, 17 September 2016

September 17, 2016

- Always trying to achieve congruency with mind, body and soul.
- MILKING what works. I truly believe that whoever's the best, is the person that has repeated the cycle of best practices the most. It's not simply about who's got the most energy to study. I would figure it's more complicated than that. Time is now 8:19 PM.

My reoccuring issue: I stop when I've solved a significant portion of the case.

implication: It could really slow me down and I might not pass!

Recommendation: Think of the following analogy with two solutions:

Imagine a car trip, 4 or 5 hours long,

the car likes to turn off at each mile stone whenever it sees that the driver has a sense of accomplishment <-- the problem (sort of like my mind!)

Now there are at least two solutions:

1) instead of letting the driver get a sense of accomplishment, HOLD BACK on his/her/your sense of accomplishment until you've reached the end of the trip!!!! You'll have to HOLD BACK a few times, since a case generally has a 3 parts to it. (at least day 1 has 3 parts to it.) Hell. A day 2 case has 9 parts to it so if you can't master this now, I'm screwed.

2) allow your car to turn off, give it a short break (in other words, meditate at your desk for a few moments) and then when you wake up TURN THE KEY ON THE IGNITION! or push the button whatever it is you do lol.

okay so there's my 2 solutions: 1) hold back your sense of accomplishment. Do not let your mind just turn off. Instead only allow yourself to feel it at the very end of the case. and if that doesn't work. then take a super short break, and then IMMEDIATELY PUT THE KEY IN THE CAR AND TURN THE IGNITION SWITCH!

if you've ever turned on a car that had trouble starting :) ahhhh those were the days. You'd know how hard it can be to turn a car on lol. You sort of have to have a magic touch.

I think that's what I'll call these solutions: TRIP END & MAGIC TOUCH!

cooool :) aight bye!!!!!!!

Friday, 16 September 2016

September 16, 2016

I'm basically ready for day 1. But I'll probably do 1 or more day 1 cases today. And then I'll start day 2 stuff.

I just finished breakfast... I could use something filling for my digestive system how bout a banana. *grabs one*

Extreme effort will always trump effortless talent.

Time is now 1:55 PM

Let's see how long I study for. I have an idea of how long I'll study, But I'd like to see it hold true. :) my lucky number!

I stopped at 3:48 PM I think? So basically 2 hours of studying. I wanted to take a break, and thought it would be in the best interest of my body to listen to it.

I just ate a delicious bowl of cereal filled with pomegranate juice instead of milk (i usually use water but I bet others use milk), and I topped it with fruit as well as nuts and seeds.

Now I want to floss my teeth. While I watch something else!

Time is now 5:19 PM - Normally I would continue fooling around. But I'm going to stop and stay on task. I believe I have to be willing to let go of the joy that's in my hands. There's also a lot of crap available to distract people.

8: 11 PM - I've been relaxing!

8:17 PM - time is flying... Time to exercise... but where? York University? I want a camera!!! A working one! Oh.... How bout home? Yes.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

September 15, 2021

CFE day 1 is soon!

I'm nearly ready for day 1...

ttyl blogger!

Okay, one thing I wanted to mention is that. I generally have a really hard time of understanding what a trend in inventory turnover means. So for example, On average inventory turnover rose from 3 to 2 times. Like I can figure that out... But I REALLY ENJOY, seeing days in inventory. For me, if I see like 150 days to 100 days. that tells me IMMEDIATELY that inventory is being sold faster if it takes has less days in inventory or conversely (100 days to 150 days) would tell me that inventory is rising faster than sales are being made.

Kay. I'm done!!!! Well... I'd like to say I'm done lol, but I am done the first Day 1 case. I thought it was a great experience. And I'm hoping to be finished the other day 1 cases by today... We'll see... I think

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

September 14, 2016

Working longer! I hope I can finish all my day 1 training today. =


- Success breeds success
- Success goes to those who try and try again
- Success requires focus

So, I just finished studying... I studied from 8:30 to 10:50 OH SH!T i gotta fix keyboard back lol... i made a boo boo with sharp keys.

Just watched an hour and a half of episode from my favorite show.. I was eating while watching, then flossing my teeth while watching, and then rinsing my teeth with water while watching. Now I need to brush my teeth and take a quick nap and then study again... that's the plan.

Time is now 2PM. I watched wayyyy too many vids online. I think it's because I haven't been praying to my values before I sleep. I'm going to nap now and when I do i'll pray to my values. A lot of people pray to god, but since I'm atheist I just rehearse my values. Seems to really help. And it doesn't take that long (far less long as the same time I fool around surfing the net).

I won't nap longer than 4 PM. If I wake up anytime before that I'm happy.

SO, I couldn't sleep from 2PM to 4PM. Instead, I went grocery shopping. I came back at around 5 PM.
Put my food away. Made sure my food was stored properly. Hung out with my family and ate Salmon. Then I created grabbed a bowl, filled it up mostly with cereal. Cut up a deliciously ripe nectarine. Cut up what was left of my rotting strawberries. Washed it all, washed my blueberries. Used my nut grinder to dice up some vitamins i take daily, with 4 types of nuts/seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, walnut, and almonds. Then instead of water I used pommegranate juice (which is full of antioxidants meaning brain power is maintained).

I'm starting to sneeze. the room I study in is cold. Which might not be that bad, if I wasn't wearing a t-shirt. BRB.

*Sigh*... :/ Alrighty... I'm going to go meditate..

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

September 13, 2016

12:36 AM - Just finished eating a bowl of oatmeal (steel cut groat oats + hot water + some dark chocolate)

finished the rest of 1 case in the morning. 

took a nap.
it's now
2:12 PM
2:50 PM - looked at my response and sending it to a peer for feedback.

3:23 PM - Just finished the rest of my day 3 case. Going to hand it in right now.

Duuuuude my brain is so awesome right now. It's like BAM, BAM!, BAM!, BAM! everywhere, left and right! Left and right! It's all because i'm doing my best to follow best practices.

Here's what I'm doing so far:

- I am focusing on writing the cases, and using all the resources I have to write them well (food, exercise, workspace, laptop)
- Planning for success (I'm giving my brain a break when I feel it needs one, I'm trying to follow this pattern: study, eat, clean, sleep. Not always in that order but something like that.)
- Understanding how the human body works (see what I said in brackets directly above this).
- Having self control (doing what I think needs to be done, instead of fooling around)
- Having confidence (knowing that what I'm doing will work)

^^^^^^ I'd like to see A LOT of this from myself and very soon :)

Going to start mastering the day 1 case (I would go for the "mock" case, but since there is only a mock case provided for day 2 and 3, I'll just stick with whatever they gave me and whatever I worked on extensively). Since my back up plan was to assure a win for the day 1 case, I'm going to look at any other PRI case scenarios and use them to write any different potential responses that CPA markers will be looking for. Going to get on this right now. TTYL BLOG!

It's 5:44 PM and I'm feeling a bit of fear, and I lack courage! But it's okay, I love the thrill of experience fear anyways.

So Day 1 is supposed to take how many hours? 4 hours. day 2 is 5 hours and day 3 is 4 hours...

which means if I start now I'll stop at 9:44 PM not bad... I can live with that. Okay so... Where's my stop watch *searches* found it! Securexam has a little watch in the bottom corner. And watches aren't really allowed... I suppose I can get used to using Securexam. :) GOTTA LOOK AT THIS LIKE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE REAL EXAM SCENARIOS! I ate well today, so I don't feel hungry or anything. Even if I do feel hungry in those 4 hours, I think it will contribute to my learning. What I ate today:

Eggs + tomatoes + avacados + whole grain rye (low Glycemic Index (GI)) bread
And I had.... dark chocolate!
And I made Hummus! I'd like to eat some hummus before I begin lol... Alllrighty... I also ate some blue berries didn't I... No. I don't think so... wait... Am I eating... hmmm... maybe I wont' eat... I think I'll leave that stuff as a reward... GOTTA EXHIBIT SELF-CONTROL. .This is the way the human body works. It works better when you reward it with food AFTERWARDS not before... people that reward before are gluttons and I am not a glutton.

DAMNIT. I STOPPED during my 4 hour study session. BUTTTTTTT! Even the best can stop ;) Doesn't mean I won't get back on the horsey!  I was so hungry :'( I might want to buy some snacks for the CFE Day 1, 2 and 3... man this hummus is so good... I would bring it to the exam, but I'm afraid I'll get in trouble for the garlic i put in it.. I suppose I could make it w/o garlic WEEEEAK lol... I needed this break LOL. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.

Okay, I might take another break later... I literally just had one slice of bread (bare in mind this is one of those like ruldolph bakery bread, so it's like the super healthy kind that I keep mentioning in this blog, it's very hard. Not fluffy like a dempsters bread O'Canada!!!! lol. All the products I mention in this blog are sold in Canada, so if you're a Canadian CPA candidate, you may not be a stranger to them.

Okay, so. I'm done eating... It's 7:57 PM. I'll clean my mouth a bit, take a super short nap, and then i'll do it up. Follow the plan, feel the benefits. Before I took a break, I've been looking for ways to make my case writing process very efficient. And prioritizing the parts they will definitely mark, and the parts they might not... I can't go into details, but I can say at least this: you should be writing certain things first. It's obviously great to keep the whole assess the situation process in mind... But if they're only going to mark you on a small portion of that, you're better off not wasting your time and just hitting the points, moving on AND THEN WHEN you're finally finished, feel free to go back and fill in anything to make your report look better.

Monday, 12 September 2016

September 12, 2016

Exam is steadily approaching. And I'm slowly but surely getting better at this.

I want to finish the day 2 case for this week ASAP. I'm still waiting on an e-mail from cpa regarding an extension... for a silly error i made. Not a big deal if they don't give me the extension. None of this determines whether I will stay in the program, it's just useful for feedback... UPDATE: Got the e-mail back, they said they wouldn't be giving me feedback because I didn't have extenuating circumstances (I'm guessing for example: death in the family, very sick, something like that).

ANYWAYS, i have some music. I'll listen to it while I brush my teeth <--- I didn't brush my teeth last night for the first time in a long time. I basically brush my teeth every day... And WOW, I felt disgusting lol. Even though I have very clean teeth. I just felt gross, so I won't be doing that anymore.

Time is now 5:45 AM! Peace cya later! Sometimes I tend not to fill this out because I feel as though it Jinx's me or maybe I get to into it i dunno. These "sometimes" I go straight to studying case material rather than write out okay I started at this time. I need to improve and FAST considering Day 1 is on Sept. 21, Day 2 is on Sept. 22, and Day 3 is on Sept.23 And it is already the 12th. meaning only 9, 10 and 11 days away respectively for days 1, 2, and 3.. That's less than 2 weeks. In other words, very soon.

10:45 AM

I actually did a lot of work previously so it shouldn't be too hard.

2:11 PM - I am finding it hard to actually get myself to do work! I'll review my motivations. Done. I'm not sure if that helped. So I thought about what I usually do:

Reward myself with something I love:

Eating some really good food
  • (for food i just ate: two pieces of whole grain rye bread + a perfectly ripe avacado) I washed it down with some water my teeth don't feel dirty at all. The bread is pretty clean and avacado btw is GREAT for your brain also it washes off my teeth with water easily I guess.
watch some really good anime
  • I'm watching Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple at the moment. But any good anime would do.

And then in return for the reward, I plan on doing some work. After I ate good food, and watched good anime. I didn't wanna do work, because I played a quick game of Ranked very high with a random partner.

Then I lied down on my bed and thought about the CFE (feel free to laugh, but I imagined as if it were alive and giving me advice in the voice of the late Rodney Dangerfield). It told me the following: You gotta GET STRONG BEFORE you're surrounded by the next generation. Not WHILE or AFTER. Don't you want to have time for your children when they're alive!? And the answer is of course. So I put in some ear plugs, wrote about my experience. Now I'm going to get my booty to work. <-- interesting process. I'll aim to repeat it in the future. It's 3:09 PM.

WORKED! okay, did an AO :)

3:34 PM

Let's now, MILK what WORKS!

I just repeated the above, but I will make one adjustment instead of 30 minutes, I'll double my time and do an hour (for the sake of GROWTH!)

Just studied for 1 hour and 30 minutes


also I'm really understanding the format of these cases. I think it'll be a lot easier once I start doing them again. I can definitely see myself finishing the day 2 case today. Although I didn't do a PERRRRRFECT job just yet. Also it's quite tricky... There's a trick to everything :P

I'm going to Bike, walk, jog, and run to the store and grab some berries for my brain and then come back. I'm under the impression that the better fitness/cardiovascular system you have, the better your brain will work! So When I come back, I'll take a shower, and then study for a long time. In this time, I want to see my day 2 case get completed and complete my last day 3 case as well. This is going to be epic lol :P Here's the mounting evidence per livestrong <-- I'm not so sure they're a super credible source, but they're a source non-theless, and they don't seem like they put out weak information (no pun intended)

So, I just got back from a Bike/walk/jog/run from the store. I bought:

- blueberries (2 pac - no pun intended); since i made friends with one of the employees, he gave me the freshest blueberries!!! YES! Kevin!!! You tha man!!!
- strawberries
- tomatoes
- sage
- walnuts

before I took a shower, I played a game of street fighter 3 alpha while i jumped on a trampoline naked lol... I verified some valuable lessons in the process: 1 - it's hard to focus on two things at once. Performance is enhanced when you're 120% into whatever you're doing. 2 - EXPERIENCE is king. Even if you know the correct techniques, it's hard to execute when you don't have sufficient experience. 3 - Since experience is king, the amount of time you study per day I would guess is a key success factor in the game of studying for the CFE! 4 - you gotta use all your best resources, integrate them as needed and demonstrate your learnings! That basically means doing your best in a nut shell lol

It felt nice to get some exercise... :) Then i took a nice shower after... I'm feeling mega fresh... Now I'm eating some of the fruit i bought while I watch some anime.

Alright after I eat and watch this anime, I'm gonna go study and I'll keep track of how long I do it. I'm going to aim for something high, since I'm pumping my body with antioxidants and got exercise in. also a ton of what I'm eating is brain food and plain healthy!

"In any age, a man who focuses on one thing and works hard for it always gets the girls."

Sunday, 11 September 2016

September 11, 2016

A man's true colors are shown in the time between life and death.

Let's just get NEAR that point of death to ensure hard training occurs.
"The most important thing in a fight is your spirit. Being afraid of an attack, unable to punch, or being extremely scared..Your fear is your greatest weakness now. That respectful nature of yours has obviously inhibited your improvement. Since it is rare, train your courage."

"Every river has a flow. The more scared you are of water, the more water will seem to drown you. You just have to relax and flow with the water."

Just got back from the airport...

So far today I've studied for 2 hours..

the time is now 4:32 PM (I'm sucking on a piece of dark chocolate at the moment and it's soooo good!!!! 85% no alkoli processing)

I got my dad to test me with a few cue cards as we drove home.

So I'd like to study from 5 to 12 that would give me 7 hours. That would also probably drive me a tad nuts... Which is exactly what I want (as i said above - let's get near the point of death... by that i just mean point of exhaustion because... I don't wanna die lol)

Okay, if i can last more than 7 hours by all means I will go for it. But I think it'll be plenty!!!

The more experience I'm raking in, the more techniques I'm acquiring.. Really helps to see another person's case writing. especially when they're clever!

I didn't last for 7 hours this day DAMNIT!!!!! I fell asleep. It's okay I got a case done. I'm not entirely upset. OKaaaay moving on.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

September 10, 2016

My problem is: When I'm in the middle of a case, and I finish maybe a third of it. I stop because I'm happy I accomplished a significant part of the case. However there's a lot left over.

During the actual CFE, you'll only be given a certain amount of time to complete a case. There likely won't be time to take a break, it's expected that you work continuously. You are allowed to bring snacks that don't distract other students. But I personally, HATE studying with food in my teeth.


I'm just going to aim to study continuously. And if I get hungry, I'll overlook it. I generally eat healthy. I'm in fairly great shape. My body functions well. So there isn't any harm in fasting while I study. LOL Clearly, I get hungry while I study..

Note: I think my stomach feels sick... But again, I need to look past my petty problems and go full throttle towards the big picture. ttyl blog peeps! I'm doing it for the future and the world.

GAHHH! I was about to hand in the wrong case LOL :( NOOOOO such a newb mistake. But yeah, I was about to do it. So instead of handing it in, I wrote an e-mail to CPA asking for an extension. I think since I was within the deadline for next week's case I should be fine... But dude!!!! And also I was looking at the solution so much! I mean I learned a bit, but I wasn't very happy with my performance...

I've been trying to push myself to go beyond by doing next week's stuff this week. But in the process, I ruined this week's stuff due. -_-... I think the lesson I learnt is: You gotta respect the order they give assignments to you.... First finish whatever they asked for. THEN, do the next thing they asked for you... Don't try and multi-task. It's not a good look. 

Now, I'm going to go eat oatmeal and watch anime. I'll take a nap and then after I'm done I'll wake up and try to finish as much as I possibly can on the week 6 day 3 case. Don't sweat the small stuff, just motivation to win and WORK!

Check out these good quotes from one of my fav. shows (Kenichi):

"'What do you think is the most important thing about fighting?'

Strength? Techniques?

No. It's COURAGE. Without courage, you won't be able to stay calm and find your opponent's openings! Without courage, your strength will be held back! Without courage, your technique will never work! If you have none, then you have to train yourself! Practice is the key to everything."
The master goes on to say "shigure, push him to the edge" I definitely think there is value in pushing yourself to the edge otherwise you'll never know your limits. 

I find that when I'm doing a case, I'm not pushing myself enough... 

BUT, I believe if I practice pushing myself, I'll be able to handle a day 3 case. It's crazy. But I think I can do it. I personally find these cases a bit tricky because you really have to manage your time along with what you're willing to tackle.

Wow. What a great day so far!!!!!!!!!!! So it's now 4 PM. I stopped studying at 3 PM. I started studying at 10 AM... Last night, I finished a case, and then I ate: cooked tomatoes (since you can absorb lycopene better when you do that), I shredded some carrots on it, and then put it on top of my homemade hummus, and then i ate it with low fat, whole grain bread (I'm not talking the fluffy full of crap bread,  but the very simple whole grain hard bread that's smaller in size, more expensive) quite honestly, I think it's healthier. Then I prayed last night. Not the same way a religious person would. I have my own set of values. And In college, I used to pray to those values when I was in a really tough spot in terms of passing classes. I found that whenever I did this, the following day was just a lot easier!!! I would be able to study for like 9 hours a day consistently for a week or so... That's pretty much what I need right now... Although I think you have to be INSANELY fast when you write these cases. Especially on day 3, when you have to do 3-4 cases.

I'm going to aim to pass day 1 for sure, considering the fact that day 1 is dependent on capstone 1. I really really do not want to take capstone 1 today. It would be very confusing. As a backup plan, I will aim to assure a pass for day 1 and do my best on day 2 and 3. but I really want that pass for day 1...

So i just finished eating a really great breakfast/lunch: I had broccoli + hummus (I try to stick to crucerferous foods because they're anti cancer and good for the brain), then I had some fruits: grapefruit, banana, and... Nectarine (it was on the tip of my tongue). 

Now I'm going to floss and brush and then take a nap for however long my body wants... I think 2 hours would be sufficient. Alright talk to you later blog! Keeping that focus strong. Oh man, the new Berserk is such a cool show!!!!! Damn.

Friday, 9 September 2016

September 9, 2016

Time is runnin' out!

I am milking what works! (generally that's doing work, taking a nap, doing work, taking a nap)

creating best practices for whatever goal you have is important.

Considering the fact that goals often include other mini-goals / objectives / tasks. That can mean numerous different systems of best practices.

oh yeah. My eyes were opened yesterday.

This is it man. It is time to man up. No more acting like a little kid anymore. You get one chance at acing this so make it count! Also, do it for your future. LT happiness is important. If you have any seemingly unnecessary emotions while you do this (e.g. feeling lonely) CAST THEM ASIDE, because if they're holding you back, they're holding you back from your future. A future full of life! I guess that being said, the answer to your short-term crap problems are in the future if you just overlook them in the present... that's deep LOL!!

I'm gonna brush my teeth soon, since I'm starting to sneeze. also I'm wearing shorts so that might be the cause.

time is now: 6:39 AM... I wish I had a show to watch... a good show! Oh yeah :) I do have one! Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple. APA-PAPAPAPAPA! I'll eat some blueberries and strawberries, then floss and rinse while I watch that.

From Kenichi:

"Once you are able to do something through practice 100 times, you will be able to wield the strength of ten, when you face a real fight"

"If you're a man, you have to say 'the strongest in the world!' Life isn't about what can and can't be done. It's about doing it or not doing it."

"So have you shaken off your petty anxieties?" 

Couldn't have said it better myself :) take the first punch, don't wait for the offensive (in other words, don't wait for yourself to be given work, jump into it and get into a flow state!

Next study session is dedicated to anguish (i.e. severe mental or physical pain or suffering.). A basic principle in teaching ones self or others is putting them through a constant state of anguish.  

Thursday, 8 September 2016

September 8. 2016

I'm pretty sure I reached a new plateau.

As cliche as this sounds, but at this point: THE ANSWER IS WITHIN YOU. Don't look for other people to help you.

If you've ever risen to the occasion for a big test, then those same skills will aid you. Think of an even better skill! Use that big brain in as many way as you possibly can for diversification power!!!

Home Remedies To Relieve Frontal Lobe Headaches:

  • Massage

  • cure sinusitis

  • cure low blood sugar and dehydration

  • Drink a caffeinated drink (e.g. coffee)

  • Take a nap


    I'm cool with massage, and if I could cure my sinusitis (I would) however I can't, I'm not SUPER fond of eating while I study, but I could totally see that working, and I am fond of naps. Super short nap seemed to have worked for me. But maybe I can turn that into both a massage and short nap at my table when I'm writing the CFE. We'll see. 

    Recommendation for myself: massage & nap at table until headache is gone.

    7:45 AM - just finished eating a super healthy meal  cooked*(egg + tomatoe) + avacado + cauliflower + carrots + canola oil + mustard + pepper, Now I will go downstairs to rock at least two AOs.

    OKAY, TEARS in effect 24/7. Technique, gained from Experience, Application of this, and you'll reign Supreme.

    just played, came in 4th place at 20,000 points. Why? Gained experience, learnt techniques and applied them = reigned supreme.

    Just need to study CFE material, gain experience, learn techniques, and apply them = reign supreme!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

September 7, 2016

Just finished a case! Yaaaay.

Now I just need to finish 3 other cases in the next 24 hours LOL!

oh man...

Yeah, well listen. I need to get sh!t done.

I won't be giving up.

Everytime I study, I will aim for my vision of what I believe is at least competent! In otherwords, I won't be trying and trying doing the same thing over and over. I'm going to know what I want and make the necessary adjustments to achieve my vision!

Time to finish this Day 2 Case.

Time is now: 10:44 PM <-- Time says: "And we don't stop"

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

September 6, 2016

Slept most of today. I'm going to brush my teeth.
Time is now 7:55 PM

Let's see how much of the day I can use to study!!!! I'll keep track and post back. I'll do the exact same thing tomorrow...

Honestly, in my head it seems like: ooooh so much work to do, this is daunting!

But no, I can't think of it like that. I need to think of it like this!: Hey this is an opportunity to learn new material, gain new skills, increase my competence in order to pass the CFE and live an overall better life!!!!

:) I'm going to aim to look at it like the latter. Also going to take a quick look at my motivations before I study. I need to stop thinking so short-term about how I feel right now. Fact is, I'm doing this for the future.. FAR into the future. which could affect generations after me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 5, 2016

Did VERY LITTLE work this day. Most of it was me trying to find motivation. Was feeling very lack luster. But I ended up having a great day nevertheless. Just not in terms of studying.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

September 4, 2016

Going to go brush my teeth and then start studying...

In generallll, whenever you fail, it's because you didn't follow best practices. And vice-versa (for succeed).

Something to think about! ;)

Pulling an all nighter. that means straight work, giving 120%,  going to give up my sleep <-- This did not work LOL I got distracted with a girl and then fell asleep soon afterwards...


Here's a song from an album, one of the few CD's I've ever purchased in my entire life.

Today I purchased some food I rarely buy, I'm hoping it has a similar perceived high value as the CD I once bought (17 years old song and still getting my bang for my buck lol). I hope this food gives me a long-term bang for my buck as well.

I purchased:

- 2 packs blueberries (for the brain) ... they were like 3.75 each... PRICY for the amount I got.
- strawberries (for the brain)
- whole grain + low GI content bread
- hand picked tomatoes
- Sage (for the brain)
- a pack of wheat germ (for the brain)
- sunflower seeds (for the body as well as the brain)
- pumpkin seeds (for the brain)
- steel cut groat oats (for the body)
- carrots (for the body)
- that's honestly everything I already had eggs (for choline), broccoli (for the brain), and cauliflower (for both the body and brain)

... Now that I've had a very filing breakfast, I'm gonna get off of here and see what I can do with the day..(I'm going to eat some fish oil before I study though!)

From what I read, blue berries help your brain last longer. So I sometimes get that burnt out feeling. I'm hoping that will be delayed significantly.

I find that, if I still have a good idea of my motivations, I don't need to review 'em. :)

Saturday, 3 September 2016

September 3, 2016

With the exam about 2.5 weeks away, I'm starting a super disciplined study schedule. That means long continuous study sessions. The motivation is definitely helping me. Check out my post from July 11, and you'll see what I mean ;) Because I review my motivation, I actually heard the same voice (I'm an auditory learner) in my head telling me what to do. It was kinda interesting. Good ol' brain ;).

Okay I'm actually timing myself right now. Gotta do work when I say I will. ttyl.

Quick comment: so I'm start to try and build best practices for studying for the CFE at this point... Kinda late per se... But not really because I think this is the time where urgency is truly apparent.

I haven't taken any breaks during my 5 hours. Unless you count folding laundry and preparing a meal for later a break... Wasn't really fun though lol I've just been doing work basically. However, you know. You do stuff like fold your laundry and put it away. That's a task you don't have to do for another week. And then preparing a meal. For me, I make hummus and that lasts me a few days, so I'm really accumulating capital here :P Grabbed a water bottle, I haven't found the lid for it... I suppose I can take a few minutes to search for it, but I'm not very hopeful. Found a substitute lid. :) in 20 minutes I should go turn add the salt & baking soda (secret ingredient) to my hummus. And then other than that, I'm just going to continue with this case! Only 2 hours and 30 minutes to go. Let's see how productive I'll be!

There's some time left of the day. Which I'll be using sometime soon...

It's 9:27 PM...

And I just woke up. My eyes looked really tired. So I ended up passing out. I'm also slightly emotionally exhausted from my situation with the ladies... Most of the girls I'd like to see I can't because I know they'll be a distraction... But I made plans to see one soon, and then I literally cancelled the following morning... I'm so tempted *_* But alas, :) I know my responsibilities!!! I'm blessed or cursed with this thing called a conscious. I'm lonely and whatever... But that's not important in hindsight. The future will be full of life depending on whether I pass this thing. And that is one of my motivations..

I'm gonna play some for a bit. I feel great after drinking/eating chicken soup. I played slither, it was SO laggy. <-- uncontrollable factor...  So I started playing, I ranked at first place for a while :)

10:23 PM... I'm still kinda sleepy I think a quick nap and then walk is in order!!!!! Maybe a shower too to feel more refreshed as well as some healthy food.

Didn't get much work done today :s ... I had an off day... only 5 hours :D LOL... still anyways :) new day see u there!

Friday, 2 September 2016

September 2, 2016

Days almost over, but I'm feeling refreshed so I will be starting next week's case already... Finally a week ahead of schedule. How'd I accomplish that? I did the minimal work required! By minimal I mean whatever would get me a competent on the last case.

I have an amazing piece of advice...

I actually hope whoever reads my blog in the future reads it from NEWEST POST to OLDEST POST. Instead of the vice versa. Why? Because there are things I know now that I wish I knew earlier... Specifically this one piece of advice:

ch-check it:

If you want to be the best, think about what you're doing right now, and ask yourself is that better than the next candidate?

For me that was eye opening. Helped me get on top of my work and made it call me daddy. Too much information? j/k j/k... Ooo interesting, interesting, interesting! I reached out to a fellow CPA candidate on the discussion board CPA provides to us yesterday. And he sent me a case that he did. And I noticed some excellent habits of his that I will be incorporating..

Instead of underlining his titles, he literally just turns on caplocks and voila! instant title! I actually enjoyed it, from the perspective of efficiency <3

He used a lot of bullet points. He did not say pros once, he kept saying pro: blah, pro: blah, con: blah, con: blah. So I gave him some suggestions with that in mind. If you're gonna keep typing a word, just write it once! No point in being redundant....

That's it for tips for today... I'm off to go finish a day 1 case. Here's what I plan on doing:

read the case...

Read the outline of how we're marked...

type out the minimal ASAP. get that case done! If I can do this in one night, then I'm in a good position. If not. I'm in trouble. Let's do this!

Thursday, 1 September 2016

September 1, 2016

We're in September!!!! Month of the CFE!

yesterday was a bit of a write-off because I didn't do any work.

After a long sleep, and waking up at a normal time 8 AM. I'm rocking a day 3 case. Ttyl, still rocking it.

11:00 AM - just finished 1 required completely, 2 left to go

I'm going to take a break and then complete the next 2 in series. Prophecy of Success!

Okay I passed out from 6:00 to 7:00 I finished all the understanding for the next 1, but it was SO long. I couldn't do 2. But I think I did double of what I did the first time. So I am proud of my improvement...

If you wanna be the best, you gotta 1) recognize that there are people of your caliber fighting against you. That means they're smart, veryyyy good looking, and they also want to be number 1. Be weary of this. It means you gotta be on top of your game like crazy!!!

8:27... I'll get back to work at 8:45 PM... I will finish this case no matter what during the next study session...