Saturday, 17 September 2016

September 17, 2016

- Always trying to achieve congruency with mind, body and soul.
- MILKING what works. I truly believe that whoever's the best, is the person that has repeated the cycle of best practices the most. It's not simply about who's got the most energy to study. I would figure it's more complicated than that. Time is now 8:19 PM.

My reoccuring issue: I stop when I've solved a significant portion of the case.

implication: It could really slow me down and I might not pass!

Recommendation: Think of the following analogy with two solutions:

Imagine a car trip, 4 or 5 hours long,

the car likes to turn off at each mile stone whenever it sees that the driver has a sense of accomplishment <-- the problem (sort of like my mind!)

Now there are at least two solutions:

1) instead of letting the driver get a sense of accomplishment, HOLD BACK on his/her/your sense of accomplishment until you've reached the end of the trip!!!! You'll have to HOLD BACK a few times, since a case generally has a 3 parts to it. (at least day 1 has 3 parts to it.) Hell. A day 2 case has 9 parts to it so if you can't master this now, I'm screwed.

2) allow your car to turn off, give it a short break (in other words, meditate at your desk for a few moments) and then when you wake up TURN THE KEY ON THE IGNITION! or push the button whatever it is you do lol.

okay so there's my 2 solutions: 1) hold back your sense of accomplishment. Do not let your mind just turn off. Instead only allow yourself to feel it at the very end of the case. and if that doesn't work. then take a super short break, and then IMMEDIATELY PUT THE KEY IN THE CAR AND TURN THE IGNITION SWITCH!

if you've ever turned on a car that had trouble starting :) ahhhh those were the days. You'd know how hard it can be to turn a car on lol. You sort of have to have a magic touch.

I think that's what I'll call these solutions: TRIP END & MAGIC TOUCH!

cooool :) aight bye!!!!!!!

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