Monday, 12 September 2016

September 12, 2016

Exam is steadily approaching. And I'm slowly but surely getting better at this.

I want to finish the day 2 case for this week ASAP. I'm still waiting on an e-mail from cpa regarding an extension... for a silly error i made. Not a big deal if they don't give me the extension. None of this determines whether I will stay in the program, it's just useful for feedback... UPDATE: Got the e-mail back, they said they wouldn't be giving me feedback because I didn't have extenuating circumstances (I'm guessing for example: death in the family, very sick, something like that).

ANYWAYS, i have some music. I'll listen to it while I brush my teeth <--- I didn't brush my teeth last night for the first time in a long time. I basically brush my teeth every day... And WOW, I felt disgusting lol. Even though I have very clean teeth. I just felt gross, so I won't be doing that anymore.

Time is now 5:45 AM! Peace cya later! Sometimes I tend not to fill this out because I feel as though it Jinx's me or maybe I get to into it i dunno. These "sometimes" I go straight to studying case material rather than write out okay I started at this time. I need to improve and FAST considering Day 1 is on Sept. 21, Day 2 is on Sept. 22, and Day 3 is on Sept.23 And it is already the 12th. meaning only 9, 10 and 11 days away respectively for days 1, 2, and 3.. That's less than 2 weeks. In other words, very soon.

10:45 AM

I actually did a lot of work previously so it shouldn't be too hard.

2:11 PM - I am finding it hard to actually get myself to do work! I'll review my motivations. Done. I'm not sure if that helped. So I thought about what I usually do:

Reward myself with something I love:

Eating some really good food
  • (for food i just ate: two pieces of whole grain rye bread + a perfectly ripe avacado) I washed it down with some water my teeth don't feel dirty at all. The bread is pretty clean and avacado btw is GREAT for your brain also it washes off my teeth with water easily I guess.
watch some really good anime
  • I'm watching Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple at the moment. But any good anime would do.

And then in return for the reward, I plan on doing some work. After I ate good food, and watched good anime. I didn't wanna do work, because I played a quick game of Ranked very high with a random partner.

Then I lied down on my bed and thought about the CFE (feel free to laugh, but I imagined as if it were alive and giving me advice in the voice of the late Rodney Dangerfield). It told me the following: You gotta GET STRONG BEFORE you're surrounded by the next generation. Not WHILE or AFTER. Don't you want to have time for your children when they're alive!? And the answer is of course. So I put in some ear plugs, wrote about my experience. Now I'm going to get my booty to work. <-- interesting process. I'll aim to repeat it in the future. It's 3:09 PM.

WORKED! okay, did an AO :)

3:34 PM

Let's now, MILK what WORKS!

I just repeated the above, but I will make one adjustment instead of 30 minutes, I'll double my time and do an hour (for the sake of GROWTH!)

Just studied for 1 hour and 30 minutes


also I'm really understanding the format of these cases. I think it'll be a lot easier once I start doing them again. I can definitely see myself finishing the day 2 case today. Although I didn't do a PERRRRRFECT job just yet. Also it's quite tricky... There's a trick to everything :P

I'm going to Bike, walk, jog, and run to the store and grab some berries for my brain and then come back. I'm under the impression that the better fitness/cardiovascular system you have, the better your brain will work! So When I come back, I'll take a shower, and then study for a long time. In this time, I want to see my day 2 case get completed and complete my last day 3 case as well. This is going to be epic lol :P Here's the mounting evidence per livestrong <-- I'm not so sure they're a super credible source, but they're a source non-theless, and they don't seem like they put out weak information (no pun intended)

So, I just got back from a Bike/walk/jog/run from the store. I bought:

- blueberries (2 pac - no pun intended); since i made friends with one of the employees, he gave me the freshest blueberries!!! YES! Kevin!!! You tha man!!!
- strawberries
- tomatoes
- sage
- walnuts

before I took a shower, I played a game of street fighter 3 alpha while i jumped on a trampoline naked lol... I verified some valuable lessons in the process: 1 - it's hard to focus on two things at once. Performance is enhanced when you're 120% into whatever you're doing. 2 - EXPERIENCE is king. Even if you know the correct techniques, it's hard to execute when you don't have sufficient experience. 3 - Since experience is king, the amount of time you study per day I would guess is a key success factor in the game of studying for the CFE! 4 - you gotta use all your best resources, integrate them as needed and demonstrate your learnings! That basically means doing your best in a nut shell lol

It felt nice to get some exercise... :) Then i took a nice shower after... I'm feeling mega fresh... Now I'm eating some of the fruit i bought while I watch some anime.

Alright after I eat and watch this anime, I'm gonna go study and I'll keep track of how long I do it. I'm going to aim for something high, since I'm pumping my body with antioxidants and got exercise in. also a ton of what I'm eating is brain food and plain healthy!

"In any age, a man who focuses on one thing and works hard for it always gets the girls."

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