Saturday, 3 September 2016

September 3, 2016

With the exam about 2.5 weeks away, I'm starting a super disciplined study schedule. That means long continuous study sessions. The motivation is definitely helping me. Check out my post from July 11, and you'll see what I mean ;) Because I review my motivation, I actually heard the same voice (I'm an auditory learner) in my head telling me what to do. It was kinda interesting. Good ol' brain ;).

Okay I'm actually timing myself right now. Gotta do work when I say I will. ttyl.

Quick comment: so I'm start to try and build best practices for studying for the CFE at this point... Kinda late per se... But not really because I think this is the time where urgency is truly apparent.

I haven't taken any breaks during my 5 hours. Unless you count folding laundry and preparing a meal for later a break... Wasn't really fun though lol I've just been doing work basically. However, you know. You do stuff like fold your laundry and put it away. That's a task you don't have to do for another week. And then preparing a meal. For me, I make hummus and that lasts me a few days, so I'm really accumulating capital here :P Grabbed a water bottle, I haven't found the lid for it... I suppose I can take a few minutes to search for it, but I'm not very hopeful. Found a substitute lid. :) in 20 minutes I should go turn add the salt & baking soda (secret ingredient) to my hummus. And then other than that, I'm just going to continue with this case! Only 2 hours and 30 minutes to go. Let's see how productive I'll be!

There's some time left of the day. Which I'll be using sometime soon...

It's 9:27 PM...

And I just woke up. My eyes looked really tired. So I ended up passing out. I'm also slightly emotionally exhausted from my situation with the ladies... Most of the girls I'd like to see I can't because I know they'll be a distraction... But I made plans to see one soon, and then I literally cancelled the following morning... I'm so tempted *_* But alas, :) I know my responsibilities!!! I'm blessed or cursed with this thing called a conscious. I'm lonely and whatever... But that's not important in hindsight. The future will be full of life depending on whether I pass this thing. And that is one of my motivations..

I'm gonna play some for a bit. I feel great after drinking/eating chicken soup. I played slither, it was SO laggy. <-- uncontrollable factor...  So I started playing, I ranked at first place for a while :)

10:23 PM... I'm still kinda sleepy I think a quick nap and then walk is in order!!!!! Maybe a shower too to feel more refreshed as well as some healthy food.

Didn't get much work done today :s ... I had an off day... only 5 hours :D LOL... still anyways :) new day see u there!

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