Thursday, 22 September 2016

September 22, 2016 - Day 2 of the CFE

Just finished Day 2 of the exam!

Simplify, simplify, simplify. That's what I did!

I just took everything I needed to know. And made it as simple as possible.


I have day 3 tomorrow, so after fooling around when I came home because I always need to fool around / my brain needs to relax...  and learn implicit motivational lessons. Just how I work:

I learned this from Eyeshield 21: When people think you can't do something, use that negative energy to FUEL your burning FIRE to prove them wrong.

I learned this from You gotta follow best practices. Failure is inevitable sometimes. In fact, it might even be necessary when you're learning best practices. Although you can always learn from other peoples mistakes <-- wise people do this. Instead of making your own costly mistakes. You know what I mean?

I learned this from NEVER GIVE UP. I thought these are just pretty words. A lot of people like to quote cliche things that aren't necessarily true. For example: real eyes realize real lies. <-- like sure this sounds super cool, but is it really necessary? Does it provide any benefit? lol not really.

No, but seriously: Never give up. This is definitely a best practice in every area of life. I couldn't believe how much the odds were against me today while I played slither. I was getting cornered like crazy and there was one point where I should have died, but I was like NO. I"M GOING TO KEEP LIVING. and I did! I ranked high too 2/400 something people. Then I died. I wasn't far from first either :)

So yeah best practices, will trump everything. I ended up dying most of the time because I didn't follow a best practice of where rushing in a busy scenario would cause me to crash into other players. And well that's how the game is played. You die if u crash into other people haha ^^


So my strategy for Day 3 is going to be the same as mine was for Day 2. However I have the upper hand today because I didn't socialize after the exam was over!

OHHHH MAN! I made the coolest drink yesterday:

Fresh Sage leaves + Blueberries + water! SOOO GOOD!

For me, brushing my teeth is a part of best practices. Sleep and meditation is a part of best practices.

and acquiring as many techniques as possible from cases you've done or cases you haven't done is also very important!! I literally learned some key material less than 24 hours away from my Day 2 exam. It was crazy. Anyways. I gotta go, gonna buy some blueberries + sage. Then I'll come home, maybe shower ? brush my teeth? pass out for an hour ? Dunno. Ttyl blogger

day 1 was a mystery for me, day 2 felt relatively comfortable, and day 3 has yet to happen. I want to continue this fight. The great fight. :P BYE.

Oh and even if I were to fail day 2, my back up plan is to take it in the future and hopefully i will have passed. If I were to fail have failed day 1, then I will come back and do day 1 in the future.

SUCCESS GOES TO THOSE WHO TRY AND TRY AGAIN. YOU CAN'T STOP ME. kay well... unless it's my 3rd attempt or something, in which case I believe you get kicked out lol.... WELL I'LL CONTINUE TO PLAY OFF MY MISTAKES. "Momma didn't raise no foo! Ya dig?" lol

can't forget:





  1. I'm surprised you found day 2 easy. It was pretty tough for me and a bunch of my friends especially the accounting issues. Day 3 was alright for us.

  2. I'm surprised you found day 2 easy. It was pretty tough for me and a bunch of my friends especially the accounting issues. Day 3 was alright for us.

    1. I know a lot of people that thought Day 2 was tough. One girl i met had her computer crashing on her half way through writing day 2 and the rest of the exam she wrote on paper... A good friend of mine had some problems identifying accounting issues. We'll know how we did for sure tomorrow morning!

      Where there is a will there's a way,

