Tuesday, 5 December 2017

December 5th, 2017

The time is now: 4:08 PM

I'm going to try and study until 10:08 PM 

no distractions other than my girlfriend. And honestly she doesn't ask for much attention.

Day 2 and Day 3 material Yaaaas... hey It might be worthwhile to check out my past stuff... hmmm. I'll check out my posts... 

but I already remember! For day 3 i needed to practice speed. for day 2 i did pretty well although my par report said i could have done better with management accounting. Okay even though that's being done and said... 

I'm going to make a folder which shows what I've understood and what I haven't... 

I wonder... if I can make another nice website... trueeee... 

like one with YES! I think I already have it... one with security!!!! it's called my own PC lol... alrighty... so... Yes "Let's do it now!"

Time is now: 5:29 PM

I edited the Board Report to reflect only Day 2 and Day 3 material (took out all the day 1 stuff since I won't be doing that anymore).

I didn't manage to print out the PAR i ordered since my printer is out of ink and I'm out of paper! I should get a business account at staples and charge this to my company since technically I'm doing all this for my business!!!

I paid any debt I was in ... So right now 8-) I'm debt free!

But now I need to take note of the transactions that occured in quickbooks... DONE!

Okay so the time is now: 6:11 PM... I would like to take a break... I think I earned it from the little work that I did ^^;;....

Since this is literally my last chance to pass the CFE... I'm going to keep that in mind... I really want to pass this so badly. Especially if this is treated as a last attempt... I wouldn't want to have any regrets. Like I regret taking that break. So I'll try to keep my breaks short and concentrated...

Also I'd like to get rid of breaks where I watch TV or play games altogether. Breaks are fine and essential... But I just don't want any excuses you know? This is really important to me. So I'm going to try my ultimate best!

Monday, 4 December 2017

December 4, 2017

I PASSED DAY 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Never again do I have to write the Day 1 CFE, because what what? I passed it!

Now to study for Day 2 & 3.

I have a girlfriend now. :) She is really beautiful. She is really smart. And she's very kind. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, She is FAITHFUL.

BUT!!!! And there is a big butt. (yes, she has one of those too)... Oddly enough: Enough about her.

I'm going to keep the next few entries very focused...

This is something I realized going into CFE Day 1.

And it's something I realize when I succeed with my breakdancing.

There is a system of best practices in every activity you do.

More often than not, your emotions like "I love my girl!" have nothing to do with whether you succeed or not. YES, They can motivate you!!!! But whether you actually KNOW your stuff or not has no dependence on feelings. So, I feel as though activities tend to largely be independent of one another.

Time is now: 2:02 AM. It is Monday, Dec. 4th, 2017

I need to come up with a plan to ace Day 2 & 3. I have the feedback guide, which I think would be very useful.

But now I'm working!!!

I have to pay the bills of my company as well...

So this may suck ... It may suck a lot....

Fortunately my job isn't too time sensitive... that's the good part. Honestly I think I can get a lot done...

I just ate a big salad.

I should also call CPA Ontario and ask them about whether my attempt was used last time even though I didn't actually write Day 2 and 3... It would be nice to know whether this is my last chance or not. And if it is, I really have to give it my all... If it's not, I can just try my best given the current circumstances. <-- My plan.

So the bold text is my key next step...

Off 2 bed! Going to try and wake up early. And talk less with internet slang like "2" for "to".

Monday, 18 September 2017

Sept.14th &15th

14th and 15th were a write off for me.... Maybe this is good luck, but I injured/fractured my foot a few weeks before the CFE... So I went to the hospital on the 14th to see a doctor while everyone was writing...

To be honest, it was another blessing...

Because I didn't plan on writing it...

I did contact CPA about not writing it,, but they never got back to me because they had this we'll respond in 5 days automated message thing....

I spoke to an CPA officer and they asked me for proof that I went to see a doctor and that I had an injured leg.

So I immediately responded, because when I was at the hospital, I asked the doctor to give me a note and he did.

I should have my money refunded to me for day 2 and 3. I'm not sure how that will work... But I was told it will work...

I will be writing Day 2 & 3 in 2018... IF!!! I'm truly blessed they won't count it as an attempt... But I dunno... We'll see...

September 13th, 2017 - CFE Day 1 (Round 2)

We WERE given a copy of the original case (FYI) lol...

So I took an uber there...

Oh man... The uber driver LOVED to talk... And I only encouraged him... ($50 ride - Jheeeeez!)

Not a big mistake....

One HUGE mistake!!!! UPDATE YOUR SECUREXAM the night before your exams!!!!!

I arrived to the exam with 20-30 minutes before it began.

We all put our coats and backpacks in a room (as usual)

Then I walked back to my desk.

And kept reviewing until a supervisor/officer came up to me and said start logging in!

So I tried logging in... but I didn't have access to the exam! *_* because I did not update my Securexam the night before.... T_T

So then a tech support guy comes to me with a USB key and he says the exams are on it. They weren't. He brings another USB key... It doesn't work...

Then the announcer says "Candidates you may start writing the exam"

Then this CPA officer comes by and tries to fix the problem. Unsuccessful. Makes me restart my laptop and what not. Then they're like "Grab a spare laptop" I'm thinking okay, awesome!

Note: Do bring a spare laptop in case this happens to you. But DO rely on your primary laptop and update it the night before because internet is generally cut off right before the exam starts.

So, they give me a spare laptop, it works and I login. By the time I start I am AT LEAST 15 minutes behind everyone else... Not to worry! BECAUSEEEE stress doesn't help at all. :)

So, I just played it cool, and approached the exam with "A CALM AND FOCUSED MIND"

Read through it with a yellow highlighter. And as I was reading, I developed my report. This goes here, that goes there.

Then I read it a second time, this time more emphasis on stuff I was looking for that makes up a report.

I had my situational assessment (crap, I may have written situational analysis... I wonder if they deduct marks for having the wrong CPA way title... possibly... but probably not)

I went through any relevant points... I found that there wasn't any information for me to do a financial ratio analysis! :o Wow. Didn't do that.

I re-wrote the updated mission and vision, talked about what they're about and then I transferred my analysis of the vision into the operating issues, because it's usually not a major issue.

Did a bit of an updated SWOT because it was possible. Focused on changes in the environment. Included a Trends part... I worked on my weaknesses from last time... talked about key success factors (both in the old and new environment)... talked about stakeholder preferences... I actually created something called decision maker preferences which was cool.

Finally, I went through the case and identified the major and other issues.

I found only 2 major issues and few other ones. Maybe I was dead wrong, but I found that only 2 changed the strategic direction of the company and had a company wide impact, these generally tend to be the main two factors of identifying major issues. The "other" issues have components of both a major and operating issue"

So I identified 'em
posed 2 alternatives (mentioned that if we accept one then the opposite is rejected) and if there was another alternative, I talked about that as well.

If their was a required and I really didn't have the information to calculate what they wanted, I mentioned that additional information is required based on the need for new orders blah blah blah

In the end, I finished the exam. I was somewhat happy with my response. I would write more, but I'm really tired at the moment.

September 12, 2017

Went to the library

And worked on my giant template related to Day 1 and inputted all the knowledge as best I possibly could on how to write a perfect Day 1 case.

So I did this. A LOT. I perfected my writing form.

I had to analyze how to identify major issues and operating issues or other issues (which contain both).

Then I came up with how to analyze alternatives...

And also learned as many analysis techniques as perfectly as I could:

e.g. NPV, valuation, profitability analysis...

///** flash back to four days ago **///

I saw this Asian guy sitting at my table reading a VPL... I asked him "Hey, what VPL is that for?" His reply was "Accounting" I asked him if he was writing the CFE too, and he said yes!

So I was like hmmm! A classmate! Cool!

After that we chatted a bit, and it seemed he was ready for all 3 days of the CFE... He was a first time writer. Me? A 2nd time writer...

I was planning on only writing the Day 1 Case...

I said goodbye and went on my way home

///** coming out of the flash back **///

So before I left the library, I saw the Asian guy (Ryan) again studying at his desk...

He kept asking me about where my writing location was, which was Odd because I thought we had time to figure that out.

Then while talking to him, I had the realization... I got the dates mixed up. The CFE Day 1 is tomorrow on the 13th! Not the 14th!


Honestly, if I never met that Asian guy, I would've tried to write the CFE day 1 on day 2.... hahaaaa XD T_T

So... Yeah, meeting him was a blessing!

Then I went home and studied all the way into the night, again perfecting my analysis techniques and other random stuff I needed to remember.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

July 13, 2017

Oi... Not going so well. I had a really good run the other day.. But right now. I feel like I've hit a low...


I wish...

I had a friend... I dunno... I feel like...

a nobody. But it's so weird cuz physically I'm a monster! And not only physically but mentally it takes a lot to do the stuff that I do. Reading is easy... Isn't it? Yeah... I suppose... I keep thinking food is the answer... but it's not... Not even prayer...

so what is the problem...

The problem is...

I won't do my homework. I have work I can do. But I will not do it. Why?

I don't feel compelled to do it. What do you mean? I mean what's the point of doing it?

Carrying out best practices. Have a goal. Let's see how it turns out!

Sunday, 9 July 2017

July 9, 2017

So I've had a rough week. It's soooo hard to get into study mode. But I think I am finally getting into it.

Here's my thoughts and also some rough work...

I want my study pattern to be in the following way

3 hours of studying NUMBER
30 minutes of eating ABOVE NUMBER / 6
15 minutes of cleaning ABOVE NUMBER / 12
2 hours and 15 minutes of rest ABOVE NUMBER / 1.333333333333

so in 24 hours

I'll have the above x 4

That's ideal. But until I can reach 3 hours of studying because honestly I can't at the moment. I will at least try and keep the proportions the same.

so right now I studied for 25 minutes which means.
eat for 25/6 = 4.167 minutes
2 minutes for cleaning.
and 19 minutes....

okay so let's clean quickly and rest for 20 minutes and start back up again... I'll try to beat 25 minutes.

also I need to do my tax return assuming CRA accepts it. lol reading about tax returns... oh but i have no tax owing ... yaaaay... damnit wish i made money and had some tax owing -_-

Today I did work for more than an hour!!! yes >_< lol I know it's not that interesting... But watch, I'm going to continue this pattern..

So now: I did
Studying: 60 minutes
which means
Eating: 10 minutes
Cleaning: 5 minutes
Rest: 45 minutes

"Rhythm is a dancer
It's a soul companion
You can feel it everywhere
Lift your hands and voices
Free your mind and join us
You can feel it in the air"

Sunday, 2 July 2017

July 2, 2017

It's a new day!

Commitment, I will crush my past study record.

I'm a BPU (Best Practices User).

Saturday, 1 July 2017

July 1, 2017

Time to crush my past study record.

Last year it was 1 hour...

Gonna start now (6:40 PM)

wearing ear plugs, shoes, and rings.

16 minutes have passed and I want to stop... But I'll continue for all those motivations from last year. Also changing seating positions.

22 minutes have passed and I want to stop because I gotta go to the bathroom... Not healthy to keep it in... I'll stop and then continue. I shouuuuuld be able to beat my record. 7:13 PM

10:10 PM Crrrrrap. 18 minutes have passed and I'm already hungry.  The total is 40 minutes for the day... THere are 1 hour and 32 minutes left of the day.

If I want to double my time from last year... I should study for 1 hour and 20 more minutes which leaves me with 12 minutes to fill up my hunger. I'll aim for brain food to keep my brain strong. I'll also eat some protein to keep me from feeling hungry.

It's now 10:52 PM. I ended up talking to my mom about something.

came downstairs
ate bread and hummus then fell asleep. CRAP I don't think I beat my past study record :S

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

June 27, 2017

Drove to the nearby community centre + grocery store.

Parked kinda far, walked to the grocery store, bought some cereal, wheat germ, blueberries...

Added them to my pre-made cereal mix (had some vegan protein, creatine, raisins, and vitamin B complex + vitamin D).

Went to the dance studio inside the community centre, practiced 1 handed handstand (realized that I should be mastering 1 finger for help), practiced plaunche push ups.

Then went to the library where I saw Nikon. Talked a bit. She grabbed one of my mind pro pills.

Then I came here. Didn't know Wifi was public = free.

Uploading mp3 file for my friend who let me break at a wedding for $$$. <-- it was $100 + $55 in tips for 20 minutes. I think you could make $20 for dancing at the TTC for like 1 complete amazing set. 

June 26, 2017

I came to the office. Studied for a bit...

Now I'm bored of studying so I took a little break.

But I'm up against super tough competition, so I have to work ape-shit hard and fast!!!!!!!

So the time is now:

3:18 PM

took a break... I feel better...

Time is now 4:32 PM

Monday, 19 June 2017

June 19th, 2017

motivation: my competitors. I need to do better than my competitors.

motivation 2: my business. I need to create an amazing accounting business.

motivation 3: this blog! This is an epic journey, that people will read about in the future. (if you want to do big things, you need to think big!)

I know I said motivations were a waste of time. But they're needed as fuel for your goals to some degree.

already. Gonna eat my cereal. watch some anime while I do so. And then work like a train engine.

Friday, 2 June 2017

June 2, 2017

I think I built up enough primer to study right now so I'm studying right now TTYL!

12:31 AM.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

June 1, 2017

12:09 AM - just finishing up rinsing my teeth. Also transferring some anime to my xbox.

- texted back and forth with a girl for 2 hours -_-

2:?? AM - went to sleep w/o brushing teeth damnit!

12:00 PM - pretty much woke up permanently
 - immediately flossed my teeth
- brushed my teeth
- went up stairs, sucked on a zinc tablet while I cut 5 fruit (grapefruit, grapes, orange, apple, watermelon) and grinded up: almonds + vitamin B complex + vitamin D + bee propolis
- added my smoothie mixture to some allbran and now I'm eating it.
- also sent a few messages over Tinder but that really didn't take long. 
2:48 PM-----------------------------------------------------------

3:12 PM ---- 5 fruits is a lot..... sh!t hahaha. At least I'm full! Okay, time to rinse my mouth with water adn then

For next time: I won't eat 5 fruits... 2.5 is enough with 1 bowl of all bran. should be sufficient.


It's still June 1st. I should read Taxation for the CFE. I should have pictures. Also, attack all the tax issues that showed up on the CFE first time around. what else? Contact my two clients... Also, file an amendment for my dad and mom. So these are important work related things I need to get out of the way!

Then I can move onto corporate taxes.

crap i got absolutely nothing done today = 0!!!! hours studied fudge. and work done!

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

May 31, 2017

It's 11:24 PM

I've enrolled again in the CFE. Round 2 Fight!

I'm going to try and correct the errors I made the first time around. Let's do this. 

Sunday, 21 May 2017

May 21, 2017

Time is now 9:19 PM

I kinda have to take a c$&p. It's not healthy to hold it in! Okay. Let's go. Meditate some more while I'm doing it. NO GAMING! (time waster)

Thursday, 18 May 2017

May 18, 2017

1 PM 

Still haven't started... JEEZ! I have to get my butt into gear.

I've been sick.

I still have 12 days to sign up for the CFE. I will try my best to sign up... But I'm a bit skeptical, since I have other responsibilities this time around.

My other friends had responsibilities last time, and they all did well. I didn't! >:(

But I don't think I had the right approach for day 3.

I'm going to try and keep track of my days using this journal/blog. :) TTYL!

1:11 PM

I'm going to meditate while I brush my teeth. Afterwards, I'll make my bed and then meditate on it for 1 minute. I should try to pray before I go to sleep. I find that when I pray my days usually go well.

I need to find time to do some exercise (Leanness<-- Do 10 minutes of cardio (jog outside!); Flexibility<-- do 10 minutes of stretching (splits practice outside!); Strength <-- do 10 minutes of lifting weights (lift your body weight outside) <-- invest in some linoleum.

Schedule of stuff to do: possibly see my ex today...<-- Although this might be a bad idea. Just because I need to stay on my purpose!!! She will hate you if you fail. I promise.  Do things that no one else is willing to do. And learn more than anyone else. Read a book! Quit TV & Video Game addiction. Wake up earlier than anyone else. Make money. Get what you want or die trying. Be excited about your purpose!!! Find a mentor for guidance and find an accountability buddy! Carry a water bottle with you everywhere and make sure you refill it if it's empty! Listen to music with no lyrics (unless those lyrics are positive.) FOCUS ON BUILDING EXCELLENT HABITS BASED ON A SYSTEM OF BEST PRACTICES!

Sunday, 7 May 2017

May 7, 2017

So I finally have access to the PAR reports.

I got one for each day of the CFE. 1 for day 1 (11 pages long) -'d 1 for day 2 and 3  (it's about 47 pages long I believe)

I can't go into detail what was on it. But basically i did do pretty well for day 1 and I still failed!!?! What the...

Anyways, I spent last night studying until 3 AM. I find that it's quite easy for me to study in the silence of the night.

What else? This morning I spent reading how to file tax retuns by E&Y.

Anything else? It's now 7:44 PM. I am indeed hungry

I have plans to do most likely 2 shows on May 9th. I would LIKE to not do the shows,

Since my knee had a bit of a burning sensation and my wrist has some little pain because it has a minor sprain. So I should just ask my friend, can you ask James if he can fill in for me? I don't want to aggrivate my knee or wrist. I think he'll be like fine. Are you sure? Like duuuude u don't understand how muc I love breakdancing. If stopping now means continuing in the future then yes I will stop a bit!!! But then if i go I get paid to break :)

But then if I don't go, I may get to takeover at the office. That would be nice considering it': my family's business which I know not very much about!!!

Yes, I miss Robyni but she was even distant in the car. Ok. What to do?

Call her and ask if u can see her. Was she a distraction last year?

Friday, 5 May 2017

May 5, 2017

CPA is late!!! They said this: "CFE Performance Analysis Reports are scheduled to be released on Friday May 5th at 3pm"

They did this: *crickets chirping* Nothing! Yet!

I think it's very hypocritical to expect students to abide by deadlines when it comes to doing work, whereas CPA is free to totally miss their deadlines when it comes to giving feedback (in other words doing work).

Not cool.

I will send them an e-mail tomorrow and ask them where my PAR report is.

In the meantime, I'd like to learn more about personal taxation. Because I have already filed for:

my mom
my dad

I also have yet to file for one of my clients

my brother's friend

And I also have yet to file for:

my brother
and his wife

I also have more clients on the way which are a number of corporations!

about 12 or so!

SO... I need to basically master tax. Let's get to it! What do we need to learn within the limited time I have awake...

Success plan: read the EY guide to filing tax returns for 2016 and read it well! First skim it. But then read it well.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

May 3, 2017 - Getting in gear!

So I spoke with the CRA individual enquires telephone line people for the past hour.

I also signed up for a paid dance performance on May 9th.

In 2 days, they will send the PAR report to anyone who wrote the CFE last September.

I was also given a number of documents to read:

Information for Canadian Small Businesses: Table of Contents


Business and Professional Income

for my tax client who is self-employed.

Then for my brother, I found out he is definitely self-employed. But then for everyone I know who has not paid their tax, there's a 5% interest rate daily compounded.

So basically, I have to reduce their tax as much as I possibly can by the end of the day. If I could reduce it, make an amendment to change it. Then I can lower any interest they would've had to pay with the original return.

Tax is tough. I also need to make time today to study for the CFE because I will be doing that today!

I'd like to study as much as I possibly can, so I should aim to finish by 10 or 11... and then I'll at least have studied a bit the first day!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

April 14, 2017

Today was really fun! I got to go outside and use my social skills to solicit tax services to random people. It was cool! I really enjoyed it.

I made hummus lol

And I'm thinking of creating a study plan for the CFE 2017... I can review what I did in the past. And try to either: multiply that by two. OR do the same thing, except create time to work on my weaknesses.

Probably the latter.

You see, I have not given up. I said I would not, and I have not. It REALLY sucked to fail the first time. But I'm looking past that.

There is a party tonight I could go to... But I think I'm going to forgo that party :'( ... Because using my own resources, I can go, but it wouldn't be that great I think... I mean it would but... I dunno...

News flash: I did NOT forgo the party, I went. Invested some time and had an AMAZING experience! Damn. Sooo good. It really makes me appreciate my life. Met a cute/hot girl and now I got a date (if I want it - and I do). TRULY feeling motivated. Very important! Basically, I was feeling like I don't want to go through this whole CFE studying process alone. It's nice to have a friend or a girlfriend to talk to. Or someone to sexercise with! ha haaa

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

April 11, 2017

I noticed some other students in the CPA program online... 

It's keeping me motivated. 

I'm starting to get into study mode. 

I'm also doing performances at birthday parties with my breakdancing skills. 


I have a good feeling this time around!!! 

Saturday, 7 January 2017

The same thing is happening as last time...

uh oh... I feel as though the same thing is happening as last time. Starting effort was low. Middle effort was high and ending effort was super high. Good news debt is basically gone!!!!