Death Study Day
Disclosure - I'm not responsible for any damage/harm that someone incurrs on themselves when using my method. This is something I do once in a blue moon, and it's available for anyone else to try at their own risk. Although, you have to be pretty pathetic to die doing this. It's not like you're moving lol. When I said "This is something I do once in a blue moon", I'm referring to workingout. I do something called a death march which is where all I do is walk for 9 hours straight. I basically walk from my house to downtown and back without any breaks. I'm a breakdancing champ, but I'm also an accounting champ. At least... I want to be!
Background: After watching one of my favorite anime, I decided to create death study.
Purpose: to study for 24 hours straight with minor breaks for bathroom and water. Click here to read a link about why studying when you're hungry is actually beneficial.
- 1 giant pitcher of water
- nearby access to the bathroom
- an environment to study in
- a stop watch (with timer function)
- 24 hours of uninterupted time
So, Here we go. I'm going to start soon. It should be noted that I had a nice big healthy breakfast and cleaned my teeth before I started. So, basically what I'll need to do is set my timer to 24 hours it goes to 23:59 but whatever it's essentially the same thing as 24 hours. And then you just need to use whatever resources you have to study!
The time is now 1:49 PM so I should be done by 1:49 PM tomorrow.
Yesterday I really took it easy... I took a break to help a friend and from there on, I was playing games, eating, and never really got around to studying again. I'm glad to have nearly mastered valuations, but I didn't completely master 'em... Furthermore, I don't think I made the CFE gold medalist study time.
I'm "In it, to win it!" - as my best friend Daniel once said.
Starting... NOW!
2 minutes in and I already have distractions -_-. Bare in mind, when you're doing this death study thing, take it incredibly seriously. If someone says they need you or want you for something, tell them it will have to wait and that you're busy and then carry on. Do NOT try to help them or give them what they need. This is called DEATH STUDY for a reason! It's because you gotta study like your life depends on it!
10 minutes in and my ear started to itch from the ear plugs, hence the need for a bathroom. I usually use q-tips + coconut oil to stop any itches I have. Works like a charm. Make sure when you take your breaks (assuming ur crazy like me and want to do this death study thing, that you PAUSE your watch for any time you go to the bathroom and if you have to take care of a bodily urge such as an itch in the ear <-- this isn't an experience to annoy you, this is an experience designed to make you become aware of the urgent need to accumulate a lot of study time.
Just to ensure my body, physically, has enough strength to go 24 hours, I'll be using my changing seated positions method. I can describe it for you at the very least: Imagine a telephone number screen it goes:
Now imagine that 5 is you seated perfectly straight. The numbers represent positions so 1 is leaning towards the top left. You should get the idea by now. I'll be using that, because 24 hours is daunting, and I think my body will appreciation the diversification (as it usually does). This shouldn't take too much of a conscious effort lol, just change your position whenever you feel uncomfortable.
Don't forget to start your timer when you are taking an extremely small yet essential break. NO DISTRACTIONS. ABSOLUTELY NO means of COMMUNICATION (e.g. e-mail, social media, cell phones). Now's your chance to exercise self-control <-- the most important trait in this universe... at least in my opinion it is. :) You should render yourself into a Monk that doesn't speak if you do this right... Or at least a Monk who talks about CFE-related stuff to him or herself.
1 hour and 15 minutes in... Damn, this is tough already...
a little past 2 hours in... Okay.... Going crazy lol... but I'm making good progress... To entertain myself but mainly to be more efficient for the CFE, I decided to change my keys around using a program called sharp keys. Here's what I did in a nutshell.
downloaded the program sharp keys a year ago (i've done this before for cpa exams)
then i rearranged my keys so that my additional number pad also has nearby brackets i have to use shift but whatever, still closer, and i have a new comma key that replaces my enter key which i never press. and i have some backspace, delete, and enter keys which i have replaced with my right alt, ctrl and weird windows button I never use. So all in all = efficiency achieved!!!
Now then, I'm going to go do more learning!!!! yay... lol.
2 and a half hours have passed... I'm already starving *_* FML!!!!!!!!! I want food :'( not water. I'm not a plant!!! I can't do this!!!! GAHHHH!!!!! okay, for the future CFE exam, definitely will bring food for each day... possibly a snack that is healthy and might even possibly help me clean my teeth like an apple or something with vitamin c... But for today... WE GOIN ALL OUT BAYBEH... fuck my life... no really I don't think I can do it I eat so much everyday!!!! ....
Isn't this weird? In the past, I have frequently taken 3 hour walks, with no problem, no food... And yet, when I'm studying, all of a sudden after 2 hours I want food. What gives body!?! Oh and I've even done something called death march where I will walk for 9 hours straight!!! And even then I'm not super hungry... I can't explain it, I didn't study enough about biology to know why the body supresses it's hunger during a walk as opposed to when it's studying! Either way I WILL DO THIS BECAUSE:
1 - I believe in myself... I have faith in myself! Yes!!! The cheesiness of this blog never disappoints those who seek cheese!
2 - I'm a champ. bottom line. end of story. mi casa, su casa. nike: just do it. Okay enough with phrases that are becoming increasingly incoherent. Time to get back to work... Arrrrgh. Going to have a sip of water tho.... I'm thirsty... not to mention HUNGRY!!! Okay next time I do this... I'm going to create a food bottle + straw, one for each time of the day... Breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. It will contain blended up food, so that I can just swallow it. Instead of making my mouth a breeding ground for bacteria and thus wasting time on stupid shit like eating or brushing my teeth... I need to be more like those asian students with IVs <-- ethical issue here! As for eating food out of a blender, I'm still cool right? Right? Anyone? j/k...
Just ate 2 fish oil pills, and sipped on water... I'm glad I'm doing this death study thing... It's helping so far!!!! made me realize where my bottlenecks were in terms of my productivity.
So 3 hours have officially passed. I'd definitely take a break by now... At least that's how I feel at the moment BUTTTT this is death study baby... and I'm taking it very seriously *giggles* and umm *giggles* IT"S SERIOUS STUFF. No, but in all honesty, I am taking it seriously... breaks to type in my blog are definitely breaks... But they're not destructive breaks that last for like 30 minutes long... More like 5 minutes or 10 minutes if I really go on a rant. I won't do that though... Is this even possible? I think I may reach a new level of nerditude. Good though man... I need to reach a new level of nerditude... I'm almost there... Going to get back to work. Need to finish off the quantitative and I'll double check to see if there's anything qualitative that's commonly seen on these egg-zams.
Oh man, I am so hungry! What a weird game I've decided to play...Well, I believe I'm pretty much done understanding how valuations work. I wanted to know this because I have a good feeling I'm gonna get tested on it! There's always SOOOO much detail in these cases and then you also have to make up your own reasonable assumptions, so there's a lot of work to be done... But I guess you gotta get the main stuff done as fast as possible. I have yet to test myself, so I should get to that FAST!!!
So I was tempted to go grab some food, afterall I am hungry! But forget it. I'm strong! IN THE MIND, BODY AND SOUL. I'm also healthy, I'm not taking any medication. THIS IS JUST A ONE TIME THING. Normally I eat a lot. So I have enough fat and muscle on my body for it to survive 24 hours without food... Still freaks me out. I'm about a third of the way. I was REALLY tempted lol.... I think once eating starts to significantly distract me from my work, then I'll eat something. Otherwise, I'll continue this death study... But wow. I was totally ready to give up and eat something. I don't think eating is horrible thing, OBVIOUSLY not. But I'm a man of principle. When I say something, it gets done. There's not ifs, there's no butts, there's no excuses. I respect my past self. I understand the importance of abiding by a statement my past self made. If this is a mistake, which I THINK IT IS. Let me learn from it. You know? As I said above, I'll plan my meal next time accordingly with a blender LOL. Inside scoop: I love blenders and blended food. Sounds gross but I really do <3 bless those smoothies and what nots. Okay, I'm gonna get back to studying, because this is death study and not death blog lol.
fuck it, ima go eat a sandwich. i deserve it lol I got shit done. Tell you what!!! I will still continue studying for the 17 hours I have left. This is still a death march... I just got hungry that's all ! It's too distracting.. I don't like the idea of not feeding my hungry body... Alright, time has been paused. I learned what I needed to learn so far. And I will do more learning later.. Good learning experience overall, and would recommend ATTEMPTING to do what I did to others. Of course, always including my disclosure: You do so at your own risk.
Result: This ended up being just a really good study day. I stopped studying at 11 PM and I started at a little less than 2 PM.
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