Sunday, 31 July 2016

July 30, 2016

What a day!

I didn't sleep (as usual). Don't laugh, but I almost always make lots of love (polite talk here) before these module workshops lol It's a curse. So I saw my ex. We both missed each other. We made "love" until 4 minutes before I had to leave which was around 5. Came home. Dropped the car off. Took a shower, wore some clean clothes. Packed my bag.

That reminds me! I need to pack a lunch!!!! I didn't have time last time, but this time muhaha! I'll pack one. Met some dude on the way there. I kinda got lost on the way there, but I ended up arriving well before the start time so it was okay. I'd like to get there just before 8:30. I like the value added by these module workshops, but at the same time, I find that I can learn WAY more on my own at home. Nevertheless, it's always good to talk to classmates to see what they're doing!

I'm interested in taking a DENSMORE 5 day class... I thought it was cool. And I'd like to have that advantage too!

Then there is PrepFormula, which I'm a part of. My friend from class advised me to do their cases and ask for feedback from my mentor. We have the same mentor and she does respond but quite late.

 I told her Mike from PrepFormula is awesome and I also have an actual mentor that might be willing to help me with a case too. :)

So I got to class, and we marked our own cases using the guide that was provided to us in our candidate materials. It was a lot of review, because I had read the material. While I wasn't a fan of review, it never hurts to hear things twice. Especially when the subconscious respects repetition.

The hardest part was a day 2 type of case they gave us. Wow. When you don't prepare at all. Things are tough! I had to leave the classroom to read my way. A lot of student around me thought my way of studying was entertaining. I tend to highlight everything I read. I could careless, if they think the way I study is entertaining. OOO I need to bring a USB tomorrow to transfer my notes to my friend. She gave me a ride on the way back so I owe her. Next time, I'll take the subway which is $3.25.

Speaking of TTC, what time do I have to leave home to get to the workshop tomorrow?

It's 4:19 AM I have to leave at roughly 7. What do I do in the meantime? I wanna floss and brush my teeth + Oil pull... I just ate like 5 peaches lol  They were gonna go bad if I hadn't.

I need to pack a lunch.

Yes, and I'd like to actually attempt the day 2 case... That's pretty much all I have to do before class.

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