Finished reading some debriefing stuff earlier today.
Just finished a break, where I zoned out to some clips on youtube and listened to music while lying down.
Now I'm feeling badass like I can take on the world! Just purchased a SSD (Samsung 850 evo 256 GB <-- statistically amazing), so that I can search my computer way faster for information! It will ship to me so I don't have to waste time going to the store. It arrives tomorrow :D Yaaaaay!
Time is now 6:54 PM
Time is now 7:40 PM - Still have some debriefing to go... I'm so lonely. :S but it's okay! I don't NEED anyone. I might WANT the company of others, but I don't NEED the company of others. I have a goal in mind, and I am determined to achieve it. if having the company of others will distract me or put me off course, then I'd rather not steer my ship that way. I just played I followed the best practices for that game, and I ranked at 3rd place! Out of the hundred people that were playing. As long as I follow best practices, I can generally rank very high. Same with every other game. The CFE is no exception. I need to rake in those hours.
time is now 7:42 PM - I'm going to start studying again! I really want to finish debriefing. I'm finding all these materials CPA has given us quite redundant... Kind of good and bad. Good we candidates get a reminder of material. Bad to read something over and over. But from a optimistic perspective, reading something over and over is a good thing because it helps your subconscious memorize!!!
I gotta get groceries soon. I think I'll try and leave before 9 PM or if I go to another location, I can probably leave at 11 PM...
8:36 PM - going to nap for 5 minutes and then meditate for another 5.
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