I still remember my quote from yesterday: a battle between the best is a struggle for decimal points.
That being said, I'd like to continue, there's basically 19 hours left of the day to go! :)
So! I still feel a tad groggy.
I'm going to go RECAP MY MOTIVATIONS I wrote down in the past because that could help here.
I always like to start off my day with a look at my motivations. Afterall, before you do any analysis (quantitative or qualitative in nature) you should state the purpose (i.e. the motivation).
- June 2nd:
"I noticed my family was able to have gatherings. My siblings were able to take time out of their lives to practice instruments. I noticed my parents had time to take me and my siblings places. I noticed I was able to live in a nice house for the majority of my lifetime, and we had spare time to spend carefree moments with my family. I noticed a picture where my family, extended family, and family friends went to a park. I realized I had went to that park 8 years ago. And my new goal is to take my new family there in the future :). I noticed a picture of my dog, who I loved to play with. However because he didn't have the title my dog, I never took better care of him, and he ended up dying. I generally don't support the idea off labels, because a negative label can be destructive to people. However a label can be a medium for love. For example, when you meet someone, and you like them so much and you ask them to be your girlfriend."
"I also have a technique called sycthe, and I thought of the factors that I want to excel at more than anyone else:
- study time
- calmness
- number of techniques
- best efforts and a flowing study pattern."
"if I want to not only start but continue and push and push, you've got to embrace cognitive dissonance to an extreme level."
- June 3
"Let's smash some records."
- June 4
" imagine feeling that you have to do work and instead of fooling around before you do some work, you go straight to work and give 100% of all the efforts of all the atoms in ur body... That's HCD. :)"
" I will follow a system of best practices, and I will come out like steel!"
So new plan after reading a piece of my past blog: go to the library, and read a UFE/CFE book related to tax. I have the call number.
" a game is a game. You can try your best and not make it. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You've gotta prepare under super hard circumstances. That way you'll CRUSH your goals instead of barely meeting them."
"a prime example of training hard to crush your goals. At 2:37, Jack can't jump into the portal that Aku is holding. He meets some tribe people that can "jump good" and he does some intense training (13:30) where he wears a giant stone on his back and practices jumping. 21:34 - Aku is shocked that Jack can reach his goal. This is exactly what I think a CFE writer will have to do. Train hard (and smart!) that passing is expected!"
"I'm getting a lot of quality study time IN! <-- positive affirmation"
Video - imagining the future punishments is a good motivator - think of ur friends scolding you if you were to fail. EFF THAT!
"Achieving your goals will add more life which expands your natural/true growth."
"Achieving your goals will create strong roots which maintain your natural/true growth."
"Achieving your goals will remove the limits which inhibit your natural/true growth. "
Video - You gotta be stay positive!!! No negativity; not even for 1 second!
"You try in vain to look for the answer. But, it lies within you"
"You're going to need to ask for help if things get too tough. Don't be afraid to ask for help!!!!" <-- Capstone 2 discussion board.
OOO! I'm gonna go wash my water bottle I found at a bus stop LOL I left it in antibacterial dish washing solution. So IT'S CLEAN! OKAY? :P I have a water filtration system at home so I'm literally just going to fill this baby up every now and then. It's been cleaned and dried. Since CPA requires that drinks are in a clear container with no label, I had to rip the label off. No biggie! Yay! I feel like mega-man... It took me less than 5 minute. :P
I'll pick up some groceries (healthy fruits and veges, kim chi) on the way to getting my book. That being said I'll bring some bags for the groceries.
Your time passing and running out is also another good motivator.
"The Earth is still a beautiful place to live. There are wonderful things and activities, arts, and cultures to be drawn into. There are our peers and loved ones. There are even people that we can't see yet (e.g. future children, grandchildren)."
But yeah, I think the biggest motivator for me is my potential child/children. I know it will be the greatest moment of my entire life... For girls (and even some guys) it might be their wedding. But me it's my future kids *_* omg... I want to be the best father I can possibly be!!!!!! I'm allergic to stories of fathers not spending enough time with their children. Like 9-5 I understand. But anything beyond that while I have kids is unacceptable. Even a 9-5 to be honest is a slap in the face to your kids IMO (I'm an extremist so you may not agree with me) but MINIMALLY i would say being busy from 9-5 is okay as a dad. But I plan on being INSANELY busy from the get go and then I plan on leaning back. That's just the way I am. For a lot of things. Read about capital accumulation in economics and you will understand why I think it's important to not always live day to day using up your resources for your daily revenue. If you can build it bigger, and better you will get WAY more economic future benefits (hehe I'm using the aspe asset criteria here) out of your asset."
"Early As Possible (EAP) is the my new policy, otherwise you may never even meet a deadline!
I'm dedicating this EAP technique to my first born child and I'm going to use it to tackle:" my cases coming up ;)
" I really want to achieve the CPA designation so I can give my future family a better life. I don't believe in god, but I do believe in intangible assets ;). Damn, that's gold, it should go on a T-shirt or something. seriously though. If I ever have a boy or a girl or children, I'm going to make sure I spend a TON of time with them <3 I can't see you kids, But when I have you, you're going to be showered with love not only from the present but far in the past, that you can't even fathom. I know the amount of love for my children (no matter how mischievious) is going to be endless bottomless pit. I'm prepare to kill myself over a thousand times. You get the picture though. My love for my future children is immeasurable. And that being said I"M GOING TO ROCK IT as long as I possibly can tonight so that I'm prepared for"
"intangible drives (various motivations) and tangible drive (i.e. food)
- food actually gives you energy, and makes sure your body's organs are healthy (In the past 20 minutes, I've been eating a giant bowl of awesome salad: broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoe, romaine lettuce, carrots, sesame seed oil, mustard, and kiwi!) <-- delicious and nutritious.
- intangible drives push you to do the right thing.
There are a lot of intangible drives.
I've mentioned a few in prior posts, for example:
I gotta pass to avoid failure!
I gotta pass to maintain my lifestyle
I gotta pass to increase the life in my life
I have to pass for my future children
I have to pass for my wife (I'll most likely want to give the world to her)
I have to pass for my friends
I have to pass for my family
I have to pass for ME (i.e. my own betterment)!
I have to pass because I'm wearing my CFE gold medalist shoes!
I have to pass in order to be a BOSS!
I have to pass in order to avoid/mitigate being someone's B!TCH!
I have to pass to attain knowledge and wisdom!
I have to pass for my future business!
I have to pass for my peers!
I have to pass for all the things I've given up to do this
I have to pass for my environment (my environment is FULL of over-achievers <-- both close and far)
I have to pass based on my past (I have been overachieving for a LONG time now, I've been growing and growing and I don't have any excuse for why I shouldn't be able to grow in terms of the mind)
I have to work on passing because the exam is approaching!"
"You gotta have a drive, and it's gotta push you to do the right thing."
"LOOK AT ALL THOSE MOTIVATIONS. There are probably MORE, that I can't even see. Scary..."
"Can you imagine if you had 1,000,000,000,000 motivations? by that I just mean everyone on planet Earth was dependent on your success?"
"People want someone who's a specialist. That's where the money goes."
"Remember peeps, being a loser/winner is literally a conscious choice. So obviously I will choose to be a winner. qualities of the winner are: they start whenever they feel like not starting, and they continue whenever they feel like stopping."
I would love a healthy breakfast... My mouth feels dirty I need to floss and brush my teeth.
I'll have lots of all-bran, almonds, walnuts, and only a few raisins (since my body is not very fond of the sugar in raisins)
What else? I'm sure there's stuff upstairs I can eat like a PEACH! nice... anything else? hmmm....There isn't much that I can think of... I'll need to grab fruits and veges from the grocery store... What time does it open? .... It opens at 8 AM... HEY! COOL! It takes only 10 minutes to get there :D!!!! That's awesome!!! I'll be going there more often then. I think it takes like 5-7 minutes to get back at a high speed of course... oh man I'm so happy to know that!!!!... I need to call my investment advisor today... Need to ask for funds $_$ MUhahahahaha. hahaha... ^^
Alright. Time to grab some food! I'm pretty sure I can grab groceries for today. :) I don't trust buying groceries for the future. They always go bad it blows. But hey, at least I'm eating REAL food and not plastic burgers from McDonalds...
9:44 AM - I need to buy socks from wal-mart. Granola BERRY Snacks for long study sessions. I also need to go to the North York Public Library to pick up that tax book and take pictures... I'd be super pissed if I went all the way there and it WASN'T there... Just called the library, it's there! :D... I'll go grab my camera, grab my credit card to buy socks... I won't be going to wal-mart... so is there another place to buy socks? So I should probably call and ask to see if there is a copy there before I go... I'll do that now. I would have left earlier. But I had a flood in my kitchen -_- Gah... Ah well :) Okay... So! Oh. and I should get a stapler remover... And groceries! okay okay lol. I'm gonna go brush my teeth and leave. My stomach is full of enough nutrients to rock the day!
So, I went out and I:
- Bought some socks at a dollar store. I got a really good deal!!! 4 bux for 3 pair!!! WOOHOO! And it's 80% cotton so it's decent quality :)
- finally got a staple remover; I was using this crap substitute staple remover that could remove staples but didn't do as good of a job as a classic staple remover.
- bought some masking tape! I tend to find it VERY useful to keep myself focused when I write something on masking tape, and keep it at the top of my laptop screen.
- bought 2 types of granola snacks: one mainly dark chocolate, one mainly berries. I'll see which one really helps me with my brain stamina for the long exam session. Whichever one is best, is the one I will be going back to the grocery store for. STEER CLEAR OF modified palm oil. You may as well be eating lighter fluid mmm mmm <3
- bought a ton of fruit and veges that must've been in season because it was SO cheap!!!! I was so happy. I bought a weeks worth of groceries for only $30!!!! I don't eat much meat nowadays, I usually just rely on hummus; some type of beans. and I also use supplements for meat such as B12, and I also take a multi-vitamin.
- I finally got the CFE/UFE tax: guide book that jason flemming wrote! Super cool! I'm gonna read it for sure! It's roughly 300 pages, large print and a small book. So it's probably equivalent to 150 pages of on 11x8.5 inch paper.
- I saw a ton of HOT girls outside... Added that to my list of motivations for acing the CFE <3 Passing the cfe and being a CPA will give me more options for dates. Woohoo ;)
Okay time to eat and get back into the flow of things. Time is now 4:25, OMG ... just ate some good food and I can feel the energy! Food I randomly find in the fridge is so limiting! Grrrrr.
Fell asleep, woke up, ate, brushed teeth. It is now 11:38 PM and I'm beginning work mode! Going all out because I feel very PREPPED.
"Fail to plan, plan to fail" and "Succeed to plan, plan to succeed"
So basically, I have to finish an entire day 3 case by the end of tomorrow. Because 3 hours after the end of tomorrow, I will need to submit my day 3 case..
I dunno if I mentioned it here but I got CD (Competency with distinction on everything in my last day 3 case) :D which is great, but I'm pretty darn sure I didn't write it within the alotted time.
I was in the middle of a day 2 case, I was trying to learn the in's and out's of it. But I think the day 3 case should take priority. I literally have 24 hours to master it. Which sounds good to me, but there are a TON of other things I'll need to do soon for example: The MOCK CFE. Which basically determines whether you pass the Capstone 2 course or not.
SO, At the exact same time I will need to finish the entire day 3 case, I will also need to finish an entire day 2 case in securexam. YIKES! Okay. Sounds intense but I believe I can do it. In fact, judging by my motivations, I will aim to do that and more!
I will also be writing three day 3 exams during the day after!!! Oh man hahaha this is gonna be crazier than usual... I'm really hoping that I will really GROW during this period. By that I mean. I will learn a crazy amount so that
I will be:
- more efficient at answering these case requireds.
- so fast at answering the requireds, that I fall within the specified time limits.
That was a secret self-affirmation there. Dunno if you noticed that haha ^^
Okay... So the time is now: 11:48 PM... I suppose it's good that I'm so equipped now... Today's accumulation of healthy food and some exam writing supplies should be of some use!
What do I have to do first? For starter's I'm going to have to move this Day 2 exam away again >_< Gah! I wanted to continue it, but judging by my workload, I REALLLLLY need to get this stuff done. And with effectiveness! <-- Good word right here <3
*Time to organize workspace* la da da daaaa.
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