Friday, 5 August 2016

August 5, 2016

Today's basically the last day before I submit my day 3 assignment.

I did a lot of work so far today! I'm pretty much done reviewing my solution against what CPA has told me the solution is.

I took a little break, but because I'm elite, i'm going to be up and at it again!

I had a thick piece of rye bread + some store bought hummus. And a cup of water. I had a light breakfast. I have family coming to visit. I think today or sometime later this week.

Sofia and Soraya are the kids. Nanaz in the mom.
If it's the other mom, then it's Nounoush, and matteo, leila, and sienna.

I'll go look upstairs now. And then when I come back I'll continue to work. Because I gotta werk werk werk werk werkkkk LOL.

Haven't been keeping track of time, but i have been doing a significant amount of work.

It's 7:25 PM, I'll wait 5 minutes and then I'll try to use the ENTIRE day to study hard!!!! LET"S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_< oh yeah, i have to hand in my assignment before the drop box time.

My head is so hot... Like it feels full lol... I have to pick up my extended family tomorrow at 7 AM...

But for now, I have to hand in my Day 3 assignment before 2:55 AM. Okay, what to do? Hmmmmm.... It's 12:08 AM... Let's get to work. I need to do MORE N MORE debriefing and then let's just soak up the knowledge, info by info! Yum yum yum yum yummy!

Work mode: *insert transformers sound here*

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