Saturday, 27 August 2016

August 27, 2016

Feeling refreshed after I showered, and then I danced.

Now I'm going to set a new record (it may not be that good warning) for my longest study session. Quality over quantity anyways right :P ahahaha... Okay..


damnit! It's only 12:49 AM... This is a great sign though :) because I've actually gotten a lot of work done in 40 minutes! :D... Okay back to work.

Also, personally, I wish I did a better job for the day 2 mock cfe, cuz I couldn't log back into securexam, and as a result I left out like 6 AOs out of the 9 AOs for auditing I did all the AOs for financial reporting though... For day 3 mock cfe i did a GREAT job... However it got worse and worse each case... Nevertheless, I think they will let me continue on with capstone 2... IF THEY DON't, whatever, I have learned a lot so far. And I'm a very understandable person. I believe worse comes to worse you have to redo capstone 2 correct? lemme check the candidate guide. It doesn't really tell me. Dude, these designations are CRAZY! I went through another designation before this (I WON"T SAY WHICH ONE hahaha). But oh man, they are so strict. I remember I handed in an assignment 8 minutes late. I thought it was 3 minutes but I guess there was like a 5 minutes I didn't account for. They kicked me out in a heart beat... However in that scenario, I had 2 other late assignments. For Capstone 2, I haven't had any problems . I also got 100% in Capstone 1... I'm hoping worse comes to worse I get bad feedback. Other than that, I'm going to just do my best, because it won't help anymore if I think about this. Just gotta keep moving forward!

12:57 AM - I wasn't doing work for let's see: 8 minutes! bUT i WAS SITTING DOWN...

Doesn't matter looool NOoooooo :'( okay so my record for today has been 40 minutes of straight work... I'll beat it ;) don't u worry!

Time is now 2:55 AM - starting to study again
3:28 AM - stopped studying
3:54 AM - started studying again
4:33 AM - stopped studying

Remember, he who eats most, WINS!

2:19 PM - just woke up; slept pretty great! I had ear plugs in my ears so that might've helped.

I reeeeeeeeeeeally want to finis this day 2 case today. I think it will be instrumental to my success! This room is cold I'm gonna go grab a long sleeve shirt... I think I can pull off a few hours of work YOu know right when you wake up.

Just called my friend (a fellow candidate) he said: I was going about studying the wrong way, because I'm looking too much at the resources...

WELL... I called him for some motivation. And that's what I got. I realllllly wanna show him. That I'm ready and what I'm doing is correct!!!

My aim for today is not 1 case but 2 cases!!!! ARGGGGG :D

I will need to:

Finish the entire case I'm currently writing
put it in my own words.
write out the feedback guide of another case
then write the entire case!
then put it in my own words!

I'm feeling beyond motivated. 1 game of slither before I attempt to work... oh yeah... sf3 alpha is so tough: here are some best practices I use to win maximum times: time my attacks, execute moves, use the best moves possible out of the moves available, attack within range.

Wow! I finally found a method to beat this one guy, that I could never consistently beat... But I figured it out! I pressed this button and Ryu (street fighter character) punches like crazy, and all of a sudden BAM! I figured out how to beat him consistently... I tried out this method on other characters, to see if it'd work. Low and behold, I can beat every character consistently by using this super repeat punch (I hold the button down lol)... What relevance does this have with the CFE? Well... It goes to show, Yes: success does go to those who TRY and TRY again. It also shows the importance of having time to experiment. I experimented when I tried out pressing a new button. If you keep doing the same things, you're gonna get the same results. So don't be afraid to make mistakes... I mean... I'm going through this process without a mentor or a peer. And I personally enjoy it more. What else? Yeah, I wanna let this success of mine breed success in the writing cases area of my life... I have to keep trying old things and new things. I found out when I combined the BEST street fighter concept with another BEST street fighter concept, I was able to beat the best people (and I wasn't even cheating!). You can find legitimate ways to use the world to your advantage in order to write the best response possible! It's 10:34 PM and my family/parents are at a wedding.

I know it seems farfetched but I think I can finish this case that's due next week before 8 AM today. way before that hopefully :)... I'm gonna go ciao! Man, I am so happy I beat that damn character!!!!!!!!! I"M AWESOME!!! you don't know how tough he is. Go play street fighter alpha 3 and try to beat charlie without using my technique. He's insanely tough to beat. You know what I kept thinking: It's not possible. It is just not possible to beat this guy every time, without cheating. IT"S JUST NOT! but there were always a spark of hope. Every time I played, I thought how do I beat him consistently. I know it's not possible at this point time. But if there's a way, I'm trying to find it out. Maybe if I use this strategy, or that strategy. I was not afraid to fail. I didn't mind. I enjoyed it. And I just kept at it... Maybe I should change the name of this blog to beatstreetfighteralpha3@blogspot.. KIDDING!!! No.. but seriously everytime, I've been writing cases, I think... It's just not possible. to write an hour long case... in 1 hours time... It's just not... But it is. You just have to find that ray of hope, and keep that inside. Keep trying! Keep trying! Keep trying! DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU"VE FOUND YOUR KEY! your magic pill, so to speak... I know I said I'd leave but...It all ties back into my cross bowmen theory. The theory that if you throw enough arrows at an opponent, they'll die instantly. The implication is that, if you put enough hours into your case writing skills, it'll become easy. And that's the goal we want. We need to create experience, to gain techniques which we'll apply in various areas of our life (specifically case writing for the CFE)... Sorry, if it seems like I'm going off on a tangent. I like to talk to myself, in my own terms, otherwise this would be a really lame blog where I'm just trying to write what will impress the reader. I'll leave professional writing for my cases, and my own video game analogies for my blog writing.

New start time: 10:45 PM

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